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Lisa Garr: Becoming Aware

Lisa Garr: Becoming Aware

An Interview with Lisa Garr on Becoming Aware

Interview by Dirk Terpstra

LisaGarr_Becoming aware_OmtimesSince 1999, Lisa Garr has hosted a popular program on Pacifica Radio Network (KPFK) called The Aware Show. Based on her desire to live in a more conscious world, Lisa created The Aware Show to feature best-selling authors and experts in the fields of natural health, cutting-edge science, personal growth, and spirituality. With a background in the healing arts, she is considered an expert herself in the field of lifestyle and transformational media programming. In addition, she comes from a long line of entertainers, including her aunt, actress Teri Garr; and her grandmother, Phyllis Garr, an original Radio City Music Hall Rockette.

Lisa Garr also hosts a show on Hay House Radio called Being Aware and a series for Gaiam TV called Gaiam Inspirations. She is a regular weekend host on Coast to Coast AM, syndicated in over 500 stations around the world, and has one of the largest telesummit series on the Internet. Combined, she reaches millions of listeners globally every month.

Lisa Garr states: “I created this show to bring balance to my own life, between my passion for spiritual growth and working in the entertainment industry. I am learning, just like many listeners, and I make it a point to have guests give examples of how to apply their philosophies to everyday living. I bring into my conversations real life situations, even aspects of my own life that will help clarify concepts. And with so many different angles presented by the different guests, I invite the listeners to hear what philosophies resonate with them and become empowered by making conscious choices.”

OMTimes is happy to share an exclusive Interview with Lisa Garr and Dirk Terpstra, the creator & founder of

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OMTimes Exclusive Interview

OMTimes: Lisa, all the beautiful work that you are doing has its focus on inspiring people to become more aware of who they truly are and help build a higher, global level of consciousness. The first words in your book ‘Becoming Aware’ are: Today, the person I am is so different from the one I was before my biking accident.” Can you tell me a bit more about how your own personal consciousness wake-up call unfolded itself.

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