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15 Divine Laws to Understand the Power of God

15 Divine Laws to Understand the Power of God


15 Divine Laws to Understand the Power of God

by Kaya and Christiane Muller

The Divine Laws are the great, Cosmic Principles that govern the functioning of the Universe; they are at the base of all Creation. Consequently, they also govern the functions of conscience, and motivate human experimentations. When we know and apply these Laws, we become receptive to our Creator and to our spiritual, divine dimension. We then evolve consciously and all the mysteries of the Universe can be revealed to us. There are many Divine Laws but we can highlight fifteen that are particularly helpful when we are consciously committed to a spiritual path.


15 Divine Laws

Divine Laws #1 – God is a Living Computer

God is an immense Living Computer that orchestrates all the events of the Universe. This Computer manages everyone’s life, including our decisions and actions, and all that we think, feel and do are recorded in it. Based on the principle of free will, this Computer allows each person to experiment, all the while managing the global Universe for the good of all. In this great Cosmic Computer, each human being has his very own program, in which the parameters of experimentation are established by the spiritual guides, and the various stages of experimentations are activated at preordained moments. As Einstein said: “God was certainly not playing dice when he created the Universe.”


Divine Laws #2 – The Law of Resonance

We attract what we are and we resonate with what we are. This Law finds its most concrete equivalence in the law of mechanical resonance, which states the following: All objects have their own natural vibration frequency. Oscillation at the same frequency as the natural frequency of an object can make it vibrate. In much the same way, an individual can vibrate with another individual, with what that individual is, even with his deepest unconscious memories. He can vibrate positively or negatively. Hence, the Law of Resonance means that when we feel attracted to or disturbed by another person, our reaction indicates that we resonate because we share similar memories. The Law of Resonance is the Law that initiates use most often in daily life, because, applying this law consciously enables us to reach the highest levels of conscience.


Divine Laws #1 – Divine Justice is Absolute

In the Universe everything is right, in the sense that all events occur in accordance with a calculation of infinite precision. When certain situations or ordeals that we go through seem unjust, it’s because we carry within us, memories of thoughts or ideas, emotions or unjust actions that we thought, felt or committed. Humans being are not perfect and during their many incarnations they commit misactions[1]. Since the Spirit is eternal and our conscience keeps evolving, our misactions must be repaired and complete rectification generally takes many lives. Regarding our soul’s evolution, what happens to us is always right. Therefore, seen from a vertical and global point of view, that which horizontally seems to be an injustice, is actually not. The soul exists only to evolve and improve. When, consciously or unconsciously, we fail this mission, we reap a karma that we will have to settle one day or another. When we understand this Law, it is easier to refer back to ourselves in situations that we think are unjust. We can also understand that what others do is their choice of path, their experimentations, which serve their evolution. Such understanding enables us to feel compassionate toward them.


Divine Laws #4 – The Law of Multidimensionality

All that is On High has its likeness on Earth, and all that is on Earth has its likeness On High. Life is multi-dimensional and we all live simultaneously on many levels; the physical, emotional and intellectual levels are but a few of the denser ones. All dimensions are similar, not as regards their function, but in their structure and their Laws. Hence, observation of the concrete world enables us to understand the other worlds. An initiate knows that what he experiences in his outer world perfectly reflects what he is experiencing within himself. That’s why the study of symbolic language is so important.


Divine Laws #5 – The Law of Reincarnation

We die and are reborn only to become better souls. Our various lives serve as a place of apprenticeship, as grounds for experimentation. And when we attain sufficiently elevated levels of conscience, the limitations that are inherent to life on the physical level disappear. We no longer need to reincarnate to settle our karmas. We can then develop great metaphysical powers, which enable us to create a universe of lives and dreams to help others, and hence participate in the evolution of humanity. One day, we understand that the only reason for our existence is to develop and manifest Qualities, Virtues and Divine Powers.


Divine Laws #6 – The Law of Synchronicity

Synchronicity is the universal Principle according to which all situations, whether positive or negative, are perfectly planned and synchronized by Cosmic Intelligence. That is why chance or coincidence does not exist. To recognize synchronicity at all times and in all circumstances, we must have profoundly purified ourselves. We must have no more expectations, doubts or fears. We then live in a state of grace, which manifests in matter, and which is called dharma.


Divine Laws #7 – The Law of Karma

We always reap what we sow. If, in our life’s garden, we sow Angelic seeds of Qualities, Virtues and Powers in their purest form, and if we respect the Divine Laws, then the result will be abundance and we will reap the stability of great happiness. On the other hand, if we sow poor quality seeds, whether through our thoughts, emotions or actions, then we will reap ordeals and poverty.


Divine Laws #8 – Evil is Educational

Evil (wrong-doing, hurt, negativity) is a path that leads to good. It is the path through which Cosmic Intelligence leads us to become aware of the fact that, sooner or later, negative actions or misactions necessarily engender cycles of trials and reparation. From this perspective, ordeals and suffering are actually apprenticeships for our soul. Experiencing ordeals teaches us that it is impossible to know the Light without knowing darkness. And accepting our own dark forces helps us accept them in others. Transcending them enables us to study others with love and compassion. Hence, we can better understand and help our fellowman, both in daily life and in dreams. One day, this reality becomes very tangible and concrete. An evolved soul is a soul that renounces evil because it knows that evil engenders evil.


Divine Laws #9 – Evil is not Dramatic

As regards the evolution of our soul, ordeals and suffering matter little. They represent learning tools and are not at all harmful for our soul. The negative aspects of things and events exist to incite us to develop the positive aspects more profoundly. Hence, evil is not dramatic. In fact, when we dramatize evil (wrong-doing, hurt, negativity), we cut ourselves off from the good that dwells in us and we lose sight of the divine purpose of our experimentations. Dramatizing merely leads us to amplify negativity. If we manage not to dramatize when we find ourselves in difficult situations and painful soul-states, we succeed in attaining great summits and open up to new perspectives. Ordeals, pain, fear and anguish only exist to help educate our soul.


Divine Laws #10 – Matter is Temporal and Educational

Material reality is simply a form or cover adopted by the Spirit, for the duration of a life cycle on Earth, to provide the soul with an opportunity to learn. In this regard, matter is temporal and educational. Consequently, it’s an illusion to believe the material world as such is meaningful and an end in itself. Matter serves only to help us develop Qualities, Virtues and Divine Powers.


Divine Laws #11 – Illusions are Educational

Successive events in our life correspond to our program, to what we are and what we must experience. They are illusions that evolve in accordance with our capacity to integrate new concepts. A person living in an ordinary conscience may perceive a situation that he’s going through as positive, but to someone who has integrated Knowledge, and is capable of perceiving all facets of the situation, it may be negative. When we are not aware of the profound significance and deep meaning of what we are going through, we evolve in illusion. This illusory reality exists for educational purposes. We experiment distortions until the day we develop the necessary discernment to distinguish between good and evil. Everyone does this at his own rhythm. When an initiate understands this Law, he respects the reality of other people’s illusions and their rhythm of apprenticeship.

See Also
Spiritual Work


Divine Laws #12 – Dreams are Reality

Dreams are the means that enable us to better understand the realities of people and things. They unveil the profound sense of our actions and the resonances that we have with others. They never deceive us, because, they are not deformed by ordinary conscience. When we understand our dreams, we know where we stand in our evolution. In this sense, they provide us with bearings we can truly trust. Initiates know that dreams are as real as material reality, doorways that give us access to other worlds and dimensions of existence. One day, we understand that the physical and the metaphysical levels are one and that life is multidimensional.


Divine Laws #13 – Everything is a State of Conscience

We constantly pass from one state of conscience to another, even when sleeping. At all times, we are either in pure, luminous states of conscience or dark, distorted ones. The entire Universe is based on a Structure and Laws enabling us to experiment these states of conscience. When we realize this, we are able to understand Life and to acquire Knowledge.


Divine Laws #14 – Everything is Symbolic

The physical and metaphysical Universe is mathematical in its original conception. Everything that we perceive in the physical dimension bears meaning or significance that stems from the metaphysical dimension. This is true in the microcosm and in the macrocosm, in our inner world as well as in our outer world. Everything is symbolic.


Divine Law #15s – The Spirit is Eternal

For Cosmic Intelligence, time is just a pedagogical tool. It serves as a framework for our apprenticeship. Since the Spirit exists only to evolve and its evolution and expansion are infinite, our human spirit – i.e. the spark of the Divine Spirit that dwells in us – is also eternal.


The 15 Divine Laws are adapted from The Book of Angels, The Hidden Secrets by Kaya & Christiane Muller and from this other book, Becoming an Angel, The Path to Enlightenment by Kaya

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About the Authors

KAYA & CHRISTIANE MULLER are Spiritual Teachers, Authors and International Lecturers on Angels, Dreams, and Signs & Symbols in many countries throughout the world. They are also CEO and Founders of Universe/City Mikaël (UCM) School & Publishing House, a non-profit & multinational organization. Their philanthropy, exemplary devotion, and humanitarian aid have become a source of inspiration for millions of people on the planet. Their capacity to understand and explain how human conscience works through symbolic language is an extraordinary source of knowledge and understanding. Kaya & his wife, Christiane Muller travel worldwide teaching workshops, as well as creating books to inspire the spiritual evolution of mankind.


[1] Misaction is our translation of the French expression ‘acte manqué’ and it encompasses the idea of a slip-up, a mishap, a mistake, a blunder, an oversight, forgetting to do what we’d intended to do, a lapsus, an act of omission, any act or non-action that is not right, that is not divinely harmonious.

View Comments (3)
  • Trash. All the gods were tribal creations. Gods are creations of very limited minds in the times of the caves. The post reflects a lot of esoteric garbage and nothing of reality.

  • “DIVINE LAW was not given by any man, but came into operation with the beginning of the world. It is THE LAW, because ALL THINGS THAT EXIST, AND THIS INCLUDES MAN, ARE GOVERNED BY IT, AND FINALLY JUDGED UNDER IT. None can escape. Men are punished or compensated by the REACTION of their actions; action and REaction being two aspects of the Law; both under the Law.
    Thus it is written that at the last day — the moment man passes from the visible into the invisible — THE BOOK OF THE LAMB — OF THE LAW — is OPENED, and by what is recorded therein, will he be judged. His THOUGHTS, DESIRES AND ACTS did the writing, and no man can bear false witness against him self…”

  • John 11:57
    But the chief priests and the Pharisees had given orders that anyone who found out where Jesus was should report it so that they might arrest him.
    “In the drama of the world, a drama that is being constantly played,the righteous, those who both live rightly, and teach the Truth, are always sought out to be persecuted and destroyed by those who are self-seeking.
    The persecutions and prosecutions of those engaged in teaching the truth, however much to be regretted, serve a most useful purpose. But for their awakening and enlightning effect, the mass would not become awakened to the truth and humanity as a whole would remain spiritually blind. Evil in its many forms would continue to pass unrecognized; those of evil intent would not be shunned by those seeking the righteous path, and the unrighteous would continue to reap their profits and be those to be honored.
    If, by any means, the teaching of righteousness can be prevented, then those engaged in unrighteousness, must continue to be banded together to refute, by sophistry and
    misinterpretation those who are here to liberate the people by teaching them the WAY, the TRUTH and the LIFE. This has been the history of mankind; the drama of the Ages, and the play will not end until all men have become awakened to the truth which alone. if lived, will set men free.”

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