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Stop Invoking Angels and Ascended Masters

Stop Invoking Angels and Ascended Masters

ascended masters spiritual work OMTimes

Do you connect with angels and Ascended Masters as part of your spiritual work?

Why You Should Stop Invoking Angels and Ascended Masters




If you connect with angels and ascended masters in your spiritual work, what I’m about to share may well shake your belief system to the core. Please hear me out though because what I’m going to reveal is critical to the purification of our collective consciousness. As we take the ascension process of planet Earth to the next level, the way we interact with spiritual forces needs to be addressed and adjusted.

If you invoke angels or ascended masters to assist you with healing or spiritual growth, I highly recommend you stop. Not because these beings don’t exist as they certainly do. Rather, when you call upon these higher dimensional beings you really have no control over who or what will actually respond. There are a plethora of entities that reside in the astral realm that don’t have your best interests at heart and are adept at deceiving you into believing they are the angel or ascended master you seek.

The truth is, as much as your ego would like to convince you otherwise, it’s difficult to differentiate between real and false light. These parasites and vampires are very clever at what they do for their survival depends on it! Their sole purpose is to feed off your energy of worship and admiration.

Have you noticed how many people there are right now claiming to be the reincarnation of Jesus, Archangel Michael, Mary Magdalene, or any one of the many popular angelic icons? There are literally hundreds of people claiming that they are the Jesus, the Archangel Michael or the Mary Magdalene. These people form elaborate identities and amass followings based on these facts. This is no less than a form of energy vampirism.


Remember Important Basics in Spiritual Work

It stands to logic that anyone who is actually incarnated from a higher dimension does not require to be recognized or worshiped. They are humble servants of God. People who have actually attained a higher level of love consciousness have no need or expectation of admiration. You’re much more likely to find an enlightened one living in a cave in the Himalayas than you are gathering a following on Facebook or YouTube.

So, just as there are many false light ‘masters’ and ‘gurus’ in the physical realm, so too are there many more residing in the astral realm. As above, so below. These vampiric and parasitic entities are masters of deception and part of the process of ascension is to cleanse these energies that are not working for the highest good of all, while returning them to Source to be purified and re-assimilated into the creation according to the divine plan of the creator. Therefore, in order to contribute to this cleansing process, we must begin by stopping the perpetuation of their illusion.

Please let me reiterate that I am not saying that archangels and ascended masters don’t exist. Certainly, there are higher dimensional beings who were created to assist with humanity’s spiritual development. Neither am I saying that you shouldn’t work with these higher dimensional light beings as part of your spiritual practice. Working with them can be very beneficial, but (and yes this is a big but) you must be careful how you invoke them.

So, how should you call upon your higher guides? Always address your invocations, prayers, and requests directly to Source Creator. Ask Source Creator to send you the being or energy that you need for your highest good in that moment. If you are sure that you want to connect with a particular angel, that’s okay, but make sure that you ask Source Creator/God/Spirit/the Universe or whatever terminology you use to send that being to you.

For example, you can say, “Dear Source Creator, if it be for my highest good, please send Archangel Michael to protect me. If that not be for my highest good, please send that which is for my highest good to protect me.” If you need healing, ask Spirit to send you the energy that will give you the highest form of healing for the issue you have, which is typically the 12th Ray of God’s Light or the Gold Ray. Genuine archangels and ascended masters will take their direction from Source Creator, not from humans. They will always need the permission of God to work with you, so why would you not go straight to God to ask for permission yourself?

See Also
sacred wisdom


Remain Humble in Spiritual Work

Always remain humble in your interaction with the Creator, for the Creator knows the best solution for every situation and will deliver what you need for the highest good. Have faith. Higher dimensional beings, such as angels and ascended masters, were created to do God’s work, and in that sense, they have no free will. In the same way that the general must lead his army, so is it for God to direct these higher dimensional beings, not you.

When we attach an identity to our prayers and requests to Great Spirit in the form of specific beings, we are somewhat limiting the possibilities available to us. From our position on Earth, we have a very limited view. We can’t see all possible outcomes. Great Spirit has a view of everything, from every perspective and can, therefore, send us exactly what we need.

Working with the 12 Rays of Light that emanate from Source, and in particular, the 12th Ray of Golden Light, is an easy and effective way to connect with pure source energy. Yes, there are angels and masters that work with these rays, but it is not necessary for you to invoke them for them to be able to do their job for you. Go to Source and let Source take the lead: Let go, let God.


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View Comments (19)
  • I believe this article is fear based, and if you fear of invoking something other than what you had asked for then that is what you may receive. I believe that through the power of intent and free will that I am getting what I am asking for. I choose to to connect with higher white light beings out of love, not fear.

    I am very disappointed in this article. I thought this website had more integrity. I’ve had nothing but positive experiences working with angels and ascended masters.

  • I believe this article may be trying to say that times are changing since we are evolving so the method that we connect or interact with the other side may need to change or evolve as well? Like we can’t reach the higher dimensions doing the same process’s that we were doing at a lower consiousness? Not saying this is what the article is saying but im not saying its fear based either. Its just making people aware not to go crazy with it and create something they don’t want. As humans there is still so much about the other side that we have no idea about and while at this level of consiousness we should be careful to some degree or made aware of these things at least as we can be taken advantage of very easily i suppose if something wanted to. Although we do have disernment and intuition at the same time so just do what you think you should do and if you have good experiences well then good for you. However others may not, others may fall into the area that this article speaks about.

  • This article does not say be careful, or be aware of how you are invoking it says in the title “Why you should stop invoking angels and ascended masters”

    There should be no reason to stop invoking beings of unconditional love. We may be humans on this plane but we do have free will and through the law of attraction when we call on white light guides that’s what we get.

    The only way you will get something different is if your in fear of getting something different. If your invoking Angels but your in fear something else coming through then possibly yes you’re attracting something different.

    I work closely with archangel Micheal as my guide and he has done nothing but positives in my life. He’s guided me to overcome so many things I had blockages with. To think this article may take the Angels or ascended masters away from those who need them, is wrong. It’s backwards evolution. They’re telling people be afraid to use these white light guides. Terrible.

    Share this article with Abraham hicks or Doreen virtue and see if they agree with this.

  • There is an easy way around the problem. If anyone comes to your aide you ask this question 3 times. A being that is there to do you harm can not lie 3 times in a row. You ask if that entity is their for you highest and greatest good….3 times. They may say yes twice but can not lie a third time.

  • The writer seems a bit confused. They mention angels and ascended masters and then earns about channels and gurus. I thought this would have actual information about why calling upon angels and AM’s might be the wrong way to go for some people. It just swirled around with no actual information or helpful advice. Not pleasant, poorly written and tragically marketed.
    Maybe, with this critique in mind, the writer will have better goods next time.

  • honor thy nieghbor, love thy brother, do un to others, ect…is the universal truth most are distracted from. practice and demonstration of this single deed will manifest love and strengthen spirit if done without PERSONAL opinions preached. relying on others to show the way is not a great plan to move forward while our individuality is being stripped from our conscience. action creates love, believing every smooth taking/writing phrase that says its going to be ok if you blablabla is numbing…so many of our spiritual leaders lost in false feel good bulshit are preaching non action. we going from 3D to 5D because the maifestations in the 4D paridym have been replaced with the new 5D that includes all of us, we only ascend as a planet so lets end this karma based reallity by accepting each other with diligent effort and divine will, rather than envoking more masters teachings, we should at the very minimum SHOW our current ones were smart enough to enforce some accountability when we are lied to by our polticians and manipulated by war bankers!!!

  • First and foremost, it is presumptuous for humans to call upon angels for anything. Angels were created for God to use how he sees fit. As with the visible creation, so also in the invisible realm there is order and rank among the angels. The foremost angel, both in power and authority, is Michael, the archangel (who became Jesus while on earth). Ranking very high among the angels in privileges and honor are the seraphs. Then there are the cherubs, and from the description of their duties and responsibilities in ancient texts, it is apparent that they, too, hold a special position among the angels. Then there is the great body of angelic messengers who serve as a means of communication between God and man. However, they do more than simply relay messages. As agents and deputies of the Most High God, they serve as responsible executioners of the divine purpose, be it protection and deliverance of God’s people or destruction of the wicked.

    We must recognize that angels are primarily in the service of God, not that of humans. They respond to God’s direction, not to man’s summonses or requests. Hence, the one to call upon for help is the Grand Creator, not the angels.

    With that, we can see that no true angel of God would ever usurp that arrangement and work directly with humans… ever! With that being the case, the ONLY angels that would go against that arrangement would be angels of darkness. Of course, these dark angels are going to present what humans want to see and hear and even help them. They want respect and admiration for themselves. The whole idea is for them to deceive humans and distract them from truth. They have a very long history of transforming themselves into an angels of light. They’ve told countless lies to humans.

    Knowing the facts, it’s obvious that Doreen Virtue and Esther Hicks have been greatly misled. Not only that, but they make their living promoting the use of these dark angels. If they acknowledged the truth, they would have to shut down their lucrative careers. Does anyone see them doing that? Would you?

    Do not be misled. Those who invoke angels are working directly with the dark side. Always.

  • First and foremost, it is presumptuous for humans to call upon angels for anything. Angels were created for God to use how he sees fit. As with the visible creation, so also in the invisible realm there is order and rank among the angels. The foremost angel, both in power and authority, is Michael, the archangel (who became Jesus while on earth). Ranking very high among the angels in privileges and honor are the seraphs. Then there are the cherubs, and from the description of their duties and responsibilities in ancient texts, it is apparent that they, too, hold a special position among the angels. Then there is the great body of angelic messengers who serve as a means of communication between God and man. However, they do more than simply relay messages. As agents and deputies of the Most High God, they serve as responsible executioners of the divine purpose, be it protection and deliverance of God’s people or destruction of the wicked.

    We must recognize that angels are primarily in the service of God, not that of humans. They respond to God’s direction, not to man’s summonses or requests. Hence, the one to call upon for help is the Grand Creator, not the angels.

    With that, we can see that no true angel of God would ever usurp that arrangement and work directly with humans… ever! With that being the case, the ONLY angels that would go against that arrangement would be angels of darkness. Of course, these dark angels are going to present what humans want to see and hear and even help them. They want respect and admiration for themselves. The whole idea is for them to deceive humans and distract them from truth. They have a very long history of transforming themselves into angels of light. They’ve told countless lies to humans throughout the ages, including the very first lie – that humans never die.

    Knowing the facts, it’s obvious that Doreen Virtue and Esther Hicks have been greatly misled. Not only that, but they make their living promoting the use of these dark angels. If they acknowledged the truth, they would have to shut down their lucrative careers. Does anyone see them doing that? Would you?

    Do not be misled. Those who invoke angels are working directly with the dark side. Always.

  • I agree that this is a fear based article. I have come into contact with Angels and Ascended Masters, my wife is a Rahani Healer. I have also come into contact with negative entities. Yes, they can be deceptive, yes they can be crafty, but an experienced practitioner can not only tell the difference, but can deal with them. In the days before my wife received her Rahani Attunement, negative entities attacked her in her sleep, and tried to gain access to her, but she invoked the Angels to protect her and fended them off. They then attacked me one night in my dream state. Somehow, I was being held on either side, and being brought before a third entity. As they brought me closer, I called forth the Sacred Violet Flame to envelope me. The entities screamed and fled. This was about 3 years ago, and neither of us have ever been troubled by them again. I would also point out that as the practitioner progresses down the path of ascension, they become further and further out of reach of these negative entities. You simply become too powerful for them. However, this does not mean you should be complacent. Always invoke your protection, always be on guard, and always question any entities that approach you, expected or unexpected. To close yourself off from Angels and Ascended Masters is not in your best interests if you are trying to progress on the ascension path, nor if you practice healing modalities. This is in fact, very, very bad advice.

  • Geez, to Invoke the real Masters one must purify himself/herself first. Your vibrations must be high so that you’ll attract the Higher Beings of Light. Those who did channelings they attract the lower entities because their vibrations is low. Like attracts like.

  • To Invoke the real Masters one must purify himself/herself first. Your vibrations must be high so that you’ll attract the Higher Beings of Light. Those who did channelings they attract the lower entities because their vibrations is low. Like attracts like.

  • I am a beginner and I have invoked angels to help me but I must admit your article has disturbed and confused me. So now do I or do I not ask the angels and ascended masters for help. Pls enlighten. How should I go about it if I have not done the right way.

  • The writer of this article does not sound like a legitimate mystic to me. Usually OM Times has some really good articles – but this doesn’t sound like someone who should be offering spritual guidance – while stating their opinions as facts, no less. Yes, I’m sorry, I’m sure the writer is probably a great person – but I don’t believe that this came from a spiritual space. I’m not going to explain any further about that here now, but I second the feelings of the previous commenters. I can believe that the writer is a healer – but offering spiritual guidance in this way doesn’t seem to be playing to her strengths. Maybe she just had an off day, was really not in the groove when this was written, or was simply offering her not spiritually guided opinion as statement of fact in this one instance.

  • I disagree 100% with this post. “He who calls upon the name of the Lord shall be saved”. When you need help THE MASTERS HELP. They have overcome evil, fear, darkness, etc. and are there to help us. What a bunch of nonesense this article is. I am sorry. It is when you DO NOT take refuge in love, light and the Masters that the forces of darkness attack. This is why the Bible and Torah and Gita say “pray always”…hence always take refuge in the Ascended Masters, Christ, Buddha, etc.

  • I have to agree with a lot of what is said here. When someone tells me they are enlightened or of a high spiritual level, I know that means that they actually have far to go. When you are spiritually enlightened, you do not advertise it because you do not need to. People will know just from interacting with you. I do not believe as others are saying, that this article is fear based. It is just informative of possibilities. Many people can be vulnerable to what they are not aware of. I see this article as offering more awareness to those who need it, that is all

  • the devil wears many faces and some people follow blindly and unknowingly, we see a lot of proof of this going on now

  • Lil, if this article has disturbed and confused you, that to me is a sign that it’s not coming from a pure place of Love. As Lauren Michelle Jones says, maybe the person who wrote this was just not in a good place that day. I’m not saying she’s not legitimate, just that this article just seems not to be coming from the best space.
    I personally ask for help by saying: “Great Spirit, Angels and Archangels of the Highest Divine Light, and my Highest Level Guides and Helpers, I ask for/that…if this is in my Highest Good, and the Highest Good of all concerned”. And I give thanks at the end – and trust that whatever happens WILL be in the Highest Good of all concerned.
    I was also told of this prayer, which I like and which feels right to me:
    “I invoke the Light of the Christ within. I AM a clear and perfect channel – the Light is my Guide” and I repeat this 3 times.
    If anything you read or are told leaves you feeling disturbed and confused, keep in mind that if you are not feeling loving energy around it, be wary of it. Over time you will learn to recognise and trust your own inner guidance and how you feel about what you are being told.?

  • Help! I wanted to reply to Lil, so joined this forun. Then I couldn’t find her post again, so posted my reply here. Then, as I moved around this forum, I ended up back at her comment (I’m doing this on my phone) – so went back and deleted my original comment, then went back to Lil’s request and posted my reply there. But – I’m being told that I’ve already commented, even though I deleted the original comment! How can I post it now?

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