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4 Ways to Open the Floodgates to Different Revenue Streams

4 Ways to Open the Floodgates to Different Revenue Streams


Revenue streams offer access to greater wealth

Gone are the days when we could rely on a single business or income stream to bring in the money we desire to have in our lives. What if your financial reality was something you could increase with ease? There are probably many, many things you’re working on all the time. That certainly is true for me. There’s no reason why every one of those projects or ideas cannot become different revenue streams for you – if you’re willing to create them. Here’s what works for me.


1. Break it down, make it fun

I was recently asked, how do you create different revenue streams? My advice is, start to look at the different things you already do as a business. Break them down, so you actually look at all of them as revenue streams. For instance, under the Joy of Business umbrella, I have a revenue stream from the telecalls I do, from the classes I facilitate, from my books, which are in 11 languages.

Each morning I ask a couple of questions: which one can contribute to me today? Which one can I contribute to that would exponentialize it?

Notice that it’s not about needing to focus my energy; what if there were no place to focus?

Just imagine you gather every single brilliant idea you have and throw them up in the air. Then ask a bunch of questions: which one desires and requires me today? Which one can physically actualize right now? Which one of these ideas can make me money today and in the future? And which one will be fun for me today?

It’s like having a plethora of stars. You’re looking at them and wondering which one is shining the brightest today. None of them is right, and none of them is wrong. None of them is the answer. How amazing it is that you have these many possibilities available!


2. Put everything on your plate

Do you look at all the different possibilities that could show up, and then instantaneously dismiss them by saying, ‘I’m too busy’? I couldn’t possibly add that on my plate. I suggest you keep piling up things on your plate – you don’t have to eat it all!

Years ago I had a business called Good Vibes for You selling t-shirts and stickers and magnets with catchy slogans that were designed to inspire change. People often asked me if I had copyrighted the sayings. No, I hadn’t copyrighted them, and if people were copying them that proved to me it was actually working! I’ve always desired to change the world and change the way people looked at the world and looked at each other. I had a big writing pad filled with lines and lines of different designs, so I was never going to run out of anything. What if you could never run out of business ideas?

Contrary to what we’ve been told money is not the source of creation. You are the source of creation. How many more revenue streams can you create? The golden rule is: you don’t have to do everything on your own. Start to look at who or what else could you add to your business today? You’ll probably also have to stop being a control freak and start to receive from everyone and everything. That’s the joy of business and the adventure of living.


3. Put the demand back in there

When you create things for the sheer pleasure and joy of it, money can seem like a secondary consideration. I’ve seen people who start having fun with their business and then forget to demand money to show up. If you’ve stopped asking for money – because in truth you don’t create for money – put the demand back in there. You could even increase the amount of money you’re asking to create. Demand is where you request of the universe and demand of yourself to create what you desire, no matter what it takes and no matter what it looks like.

I’d also suggest that you get clear on how much money you are already creating down to the last dollar. Write it down. I can almost guarantee that you’re earning more than you think you are. You probably don’t know where the money has gone, but that’s another story.

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4. Action, action, action

In the past, I used to wait until the last minute to do things. Finally, I realized that it wasn’t actually conducive to what I desired to create. One of the things I’ve learned from the founder of Access Consciousness, Gary Douglas, is to deal with whatever is going on. If Gary’s phone rings, he answers it. What if you never delayed anything?

How many people go, not now! when their phone rings, rather than answer it? You can say, “Hey, I’m in the middle of something, can I call you back?” But you have to deal with things. Piling up the tasks on your to-do list can make you feel more important, but it gets in the way of what you actually can create. Look at what needs to be done to create your life, your living, your future, your money flows, your business – and take action.


So, what changes can you make?

It’s quite common for people to think they’d be bored if they actually ticked all the boxes and got everything done. That is one of the biggest lies you’ve been telling yourself. In truth, what if there was way more available to do than you’ve been willing to acknowledge?

You never know how it’s going to show up. So you’ve got to come out of any judgments. If you weren’t judging your business, what would you choose? What would you change? What action can you take today to your business and your revenue streams flows that would increase and exponentialize them?

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