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Being True to Yourself

Being True to Yourself

being true to yourself

Are you being true to yourself?


Being True to Yourself Reinforces Who You Are

After 15 months of writing my new book “Bridging TWO Worlds” which is due for release next year, I am slowly coming out of the writing fog. For anyone who knows what it’s like to write a book, it’s all-immersive, often to a point where you think of nothing else, apart from the writing that’s ahead of you. It’s easy during these times to lose sight of yourself, what you truly believe in, and who you are.

Sometimes, all that’s needed is that check-in moment, to also stop and make sure that you really are being true to yourself. To me, this means that you need to ensure that your integrity and core beliefs are intact, that your values remain the same, and you’ve not let your principles become clouded by events.

It’s so easy to forget when you’ve immersed that normal life continues, that relationships still need to be nurtured and acknowledged, that your mind, body, and soul still need your attention. So, if this is resonating with you on whatever level, I hope you’re able to stop for a moment to reconnect with yourself!


John’s Lesson

One of my Hay House co-authors and colleagues, Don Miguel Ruiz, sums it up well in the way he describes it, thus:

“Be impeccable with your word. Speak with integrity. Say only what you mean. Avoid using the word to speak against yourself or to gossip about others. Use the power of your word in the direction of truth and love.”


Here are few tips for being true to yourself:

Accept yourself for who you are – your strengths, your limitations, your passions, and tipping point.

Make your own choices. After all, you have the power to choose the way you live your life, the way you work, the limits to which you push yourself.

Don’t live by other people’s standards. Set your own standards, but don’t set the bar so high, it becomes impossible to achieve anything.

See Also

When you’re true to yourself, you also become true to others. In turn, they respect you more, and the relationship is strengthened.


True Self-Discovery

For me, as I put another book to bed, I realize that I am on this amazing journey of self-discovery. I am still becoming John; still discovering who I am. And I acknowledge that it’s okay to work on myself. I feel a deep sense of achievement right now, tinged with exhilaration and liberation.

Live a Soul-filled life!

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