The Three Principles in Understanding Life, Ourselves and Others

Written by on May 8, 2016

The Three Principles in Understanding Life, Ourselves and Others: Karma, Reincarnation and Evolution of Consciousness

Aired Sunday, 15 May 2016, 10:00 PM ET

Abbot George Burke (Swami Nirmalananda Giri) is the founder and director of the Light of the Spirit Monastery (Atma Jyoti Ashram) in Cedar Crest, NM, USA.

Abbot-George-Burke_Come-Heal-Yourself_OMTimes-RadioIn his many pilgrimages to India, he had the opportunity of meeting some of India’s greatest spiritual figures, including Swami Sivananda of Rishikesh and Anandamayi Ma. During his first trip to India he was given sannyas by Swami Vidyananda Giri, a direct disciple of Paramhansa Yogananda, who had himself been given sannyas by the Shankaracharya of Puri, Jagadguru Bharat Krishna Tirtha.

In the United States he also encountered various Christian saints, including Saint John Maximovich of San Francisco and Saint Philaret Voznesensky of New York. He was ordained in the Liberal Catholic Church International to the priesthood on January 25, 1974, and consecrated a bishop on August 23, 1975.

For many years, Abbot George has been engaged in deep study of the spiritual unity (actual identity) of Jesus Christ and his teachings with India and Sanatana Dharma. It is his conviction that original Christianity (not contemporary “Churchianity”) and original Yoga are not just compatible, they are essentially one; that Jesus lived in India for most of his life, being a Sanatana Dharma missionary to the West, and that after his resurrection he returned to India and lived the rest of his life in the Himalayas.

He has written extensively on these and other topics, many of which are posted at His published books include Om Yoga Meditation: Its Theory and Practice, The Gospel of Thomas for Awakening, The Dhammapada for Awakening, and May a Christian Believe in Reincarnation?, all available in print and ebook format from




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