Ousted! Sex, Lies, Abuses of Power… and an Unprecedented Opportunity for Healing

Written by on November 2, 2017

Aired Thursday, 9 November 2017, 7:00 PM ET

Ousted! Sex, Lies, Abuses of Power… and an Unprecedented Opportunity for Healing

Ousted! The underworld is now exposed, and while the word “ousted” is suddenly ubiquitous, we can’t apply it solely to those that are being identified as abusers. For in truth, “ousted” is a word that applies to all of us. Everything that’s been buried – all the perceived dirt, lies, guilt, shame, and wounds are being laid bare, and as uncomfortable as it may be, exposure and acknowledgement are crucial to healing and integrating our pain.

With astonishing rapidity, the wave of recent Hollywood harassment stories turned into a tsunami of revelations of decades-long abuses of power in virtually every area of life we engage in. It’s an old, old story – people in powerful positions abusing their power. Only this time, for the first time, society, en masse, is listening. Why? One reason is that, thanks to the Internet, those that have been abused now have access to a platform that cannot be controlled; once word is out, it’s everywhere. According to this week’s guest, another reason is that, finally, the collective consciousness is ready to face the painful conversations we’ve long been avoiding.

None of us is without secrets. We all have hidden hurts and wounds. But a wonderful opportunity is now opening before us. This week, visionary speaker, author and multidimensional seer, Suzy Miller joins Sandie for a no-holds barred dialog that will cover such topics as:

~ Abuse, why it happens and what’s behind it
~ How the first seven years of life provide the imprinting for how we relate to sex, lies, love, life, and everything in between
~ Why the way we move through life and our experiences is dependent on the relationship between the masculine and feminine energies within us
~ How our ability to heal is directly related to the degree to which we can allow ourselves to be with our experiences, rather than project them on to others…
~ And more…

About the Guest: Suzy Miller

Suzy-Miller_What-Is-Going-OM_OMTimes-RadioA visionary speaker, author, telepathic communicator, and multidimensional seer, Suzy Miller is the founder of the groundbreaking Awesomism Practitioner Process and The Journey Back to Love Program. A former speech language pathologist and a lifelong student of consciousness, she has personally facilitated the growth and mastery of hundreds of Awesomism practitioners and thousands of private clients worldwide.

The rigor of her personal explorations at the leading edge of consciousness, and her ability to identify and dismantle challenging childhood experiences give her the credentials, compassion and empathy to guide others in comprehending and fully integrating their own life challenges.

Her work has involved collaborations with professionals in a variety of fields from psychology, social work, mainstream education and medicine to leading edge scientists, metaphysicians, healers and new thought leaders.

Website: www.suzymiller.com

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