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Astro-Sage: Looking at the Heavenly Climate for July 2010

Astro-Sage: Looking at the Heavenly Climate for July 2010

July 23rd Jovial Jupiter squares Lord Pluto and begins his return toward the Tribe of the Fishes… those who have been persistent will be rewarded with Grace: the chela who is mindful will ready for new heights… breathing exercises bring rewards… soon the altitude will make the feint of heart retreat. Spiritual mastery is offered the seeker who is worthy and sincere.

July 26th has an edge as Mercury opposes Neptune and Saturn opposes Uranus… communication breakdown can lead to unexpected flareups and tempers ignite… a 3 day retreat from hostile territory is advised.

From the 27th to the 29th of July ritual must rule, Mercury enters Virgo and Mars advances into the House of the Scales… opposing Uranus and demanding diligence! The Pilgrim with acuity will honor legal commitments and procedures… and press for Justice in the midst of Higher Courts… clear intention is supported by the Universe.

On July 31st Mighty Mars and The Ringed One have council, a conjunction of energies that will set movement into motion… even though opposing forces object. Conviction and right-minded-ness are their own reward!

July is a month of restoration and renewal, regeneration and the beginning of harvest. Those who have been diligent will see rewards while those who have inner conflict will be turned back. This is the season of fruition and completion, another plateau gained in the evolution of the soul. The worthy find their worthiness it’s own reward, greater vision is gained and a new set of goals revealed. Blessing, Light & Love from the Celestial Ashram…

In Humble recognition of our shared Divinity,

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empathic OMTimes

~The AstroSage~

Before one accepts spirituality, astrology is very powerful, like a lion. Then when one enters into a deeper spiritual life, astrology becomes a tiny household cat.”
~Sri Chinmoy~

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