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Mirror, Mirror on the Wall…Is feng shui the CURE ALL?

Mirror, Mirror on the Wall…Is feng shui the CURE ALL?

By Roshandra Simon



Mirror energy is of the ELEMENT of WATER. There also is the energy of reflection which is water and increase. Everyone loves mirrors in feng shui as they are decorative and serve the purpose of increasing whatever you desire in the sector you are placing them. Mirror is also metal energy.

(for the full article and multimedia experience, click here:  OM-Times July 2010 Edition)

If there is a ‘dark’ end of a hall or an area that needs to feel expanded with light, the cure is a mirror. Mirrors add much energy or increase it and it will always be a friend.

See Also

In the home in the kitchen a mirror is always placed behind the cook top or a stove. Why you ask? The answer is to increase fire and help digestion. The kitchen cook top and stove is where food is prepared before we eat it. It is a family gathering area where the home meets. The other issue of a cook top or stove is that when the person is working there it is good feng shui to be able to ‘see’ behind you. This mirror placed there aids that. The mirror in a kitchen serves two roles. Increase FIRE energy and aid on protecting the COOK.

Mirror in the front hall. The Foyer of the Home and Front door protects us from the outside world. Once we enter the home we enter the Sanctuary of our space. Our home needs quiet and a transition from the outer noise and energy we have left of work. A mirror in the foyer is perfect to add elegance and a calming vibration. This also gives protection and a barrier of energy to keep out negative vibes. It’s handy also when we are leaving to see how we look before we leave to head out to the world or our career. With all my clients we always place a large decorative mirror there and with a wood frame on it. This gives wood energy with water for the family and creates balance for health, career, and growth.

Mirrors placed in the master bedroom or any bedroom for that matter is always never done. Mirrors in the sleep places will cause mind to be active. Mirrors or glass sliding doors are never suggested and if they are in a home, I will ask my clients to removed or flip the doors to the inside wood backs. This will calm the bedroom space and provide the right energy for rest and sleep and regeneration. Clients having trouble getting pregnant often are high career thinking people. Often in a session there is the full wall of mirror closet doors. As soon as they remove them pregnancies often happen quickly then. The woman needs to shift from world yang energy into yin mother energy. This simple cure does amazing surprises and shifts into the female energy of Yin.

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View Comments (4)
  • Great article! I took a class in feng shui, but I didn’t “get” all that mirrors do. Think I’ll go hang a few more….

  • Hi…thanks for the comments…i have been working with design and feng shui for over 17 years now and …teaching more and more lately…there are various levels of working with the Principles of feng shui..

    one area is with my clients in aiding them to work with the CURES..or Solutions that feng shui provides in environment space..MIRRORS are truly significant and s o the aricle came to mind ..thinking about my clients over sessions…this is just ONE GREAT Cure to work with..

    Glad you enjoyed it and go so much out of it…Namaste Roshandra..
    The Art of

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