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How You Can Change the World

How You Can Change the World

What would our world look like if everyone you know did some or all of these practices? Are you willing to lead by example?

Oh…and the subtle underlying benefit of doing these practices? They heighten your awareness, raise your consciousness and uplift the vibration of the world around you, thereby changing the world due to your influence. Pretty nifty win-win-win package, isn’t it?

P.S. My current email taglines are from Ingrid Coffin’s weekly Meta-Thoughts®. One is, “Following your dream may be hard, but ignoring your dream is disastrous.” The other is “You are as happy as you have decided to be.” You can get a free subscription by clicking on the link.

Please feel free to email me with your quotes. Thanks!

Cristina is an energetic healer, appreciator of email inspiration, and Sustainable Wellness™ coach. Her website is and you may feel free to contact her at

See Also

©2010 Cristina Smith. All rights reserved.

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