Random Acts of Redemption
By Judi Lynch
The spiritually minded certainly understand the components of true forgiveness. The unconditional love it requires and the concept that time makes everything easier to process with integrity and grace. We understand that it is easy to say we can forgive and much harder to do but we know that once you let go of the hurt and the fear, it undoubtedly lifts a great weight off the core of your soul.
The difficulty may come later when the one who has been forgiven wishes to make things right again and finds out that those who have forgiven are unwilling to comply. In many spiritual teachings we are constantly told to stay away from negativity and those who are vibrating at a lower frequency, but there are always dynamic factors to consider in each relationship.
We cannot judge what another chooses to decide concerning matters of the heart, friendships and family when they have been hurt or betrayed. We cannot always know the contract the souls may have had with each other before they ever incarnated here on Earth. In many instances, we are meant to go another way and in others, we are forced to further resolve the situation by playing out our roles in the theater of redemption. It is how miracles are born!
We all have our themes to live out and experience. If you and another soul have known each other through many lifetimes and loved each other dearly, you may have contracted to recognize each other and the experiences you came here to live out together. You will know and feel this at the soul level. It will be apparent that there is an absolute connection. If that connection is blocked and the message is not clear, the Universe will probably conspire ways to keep coming back to the issue until it is resolved. This is usually the case with the redemption theme. The person who needs redeeming is given many chances to create better karma for themselves through their changed behavior. Search your soul carefully before closing the door forever on someone.
You help another soul immensely by forgiving them and giving them another chance to fulfill their promise or give back what was stolen or whatever it is they need atonement for. You can help them to raise their spiritual vibration with enlightenment by allowing them to apologize and by truly and wholeheartedly accepting their apology. We are all at different stages in our evolvement and we are in need of understanding each other more now than ever. We are here to help each other raise our collective consciousness with love and understanding and healing. It is a beautiful thing when someone is able to feel absolute forgiveness through redemption. Redemption reminds us that we are souls, and we can fly! Keep your heart open during these times of great change and heightened energy. Your compassion and understanding is greatly needed to help others.

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