6 Tips for Creating Action without Effort
Here are some tips for acting effortlessly:
1. Decide that you really want to do the task. You’re eager. You have no resentment. There are no impediments. You can make this decision one at a time until it becomes your new habit.
2. If you find yourself dreading or hating to do something, just stop. Make a left or right turn and see if you can figure out just one, small, good reason for doing the task without grousing. This leads to effortless action.
3. Don’t be a control freak. It’s not necessary for you to take absolute control of absolutely everything. Shrug your shoulders and let things happen without being overly concerned. Remember that water, flowing effortlessly.
4. Be Here Now. If you stay in the moment, your consciousness will automatically provide the effortless solution. If you rush off to some indeterminate future, who knows how hard that might be?
5. Do some Possibility Thinking. Your mind is the be-all, do-all, end-all problem solver. Let it create some effortless alternative for you.
6. Life is made up of small steps. Take the small, easier, steps you are conscious of now, and the tasks will get accomplished without a sense of overwhelm, without anger, without worry.
I don’t believe our lives were meant to be difficult. Challenging, maybe, but not difficult. And the solutions can be as easy as you allow them to be. It gives a whole new meaning to “going with the flow” don’t you think?

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