Avoid Fear and Fright for a Healthier Life
The command position is one in which you can see the door, but your body is not directly in line with the door. Here are some examples of command positions for the placement of a bed. http://www.kenlauher.com/ask-ken/bid/7085/Feng-Shui-Bedroom-The-Placement-of-a-Bed
If you, or your children, live with fear or anxiety that you can’t logically explain, moving your beds into the command positions may help.
False Evidence Assumed Real
An old adage breaks down the word “fear” into an acronym: False Evidence Assumed Real. Fear emerges when we look at a situation and consider the “worst-case scenario,” which may or may not happen based on what we know about a situation.
In addition to using Feng Shui, there are many ways to alleviate fear in your life for better health and greater inner peace. One way is to live in the moment. If we are living in the present moment, we are not living with regrets of what happened in the past, nor with fears of what could happen in the future.
Meditate to Alleviate Fear
One way to place yourself in the moment is by using meditation. I offer some more tips from awakening the Buddha Within by Lama Surya Das in this blog post about how to cultivate mindful awareness with your daily life http://www.kenlauher.com/daily-wisdom/bid/22165/Cultivate-Mindful-Awareness-With-Your-Daily-Life.
There Is No Such Thing as Fear
Finally, remember that there is no such thing as fear. We can’t touch fear, pick it up, take a photo of it or even draw a picture of fear. It exists only in our minds and our imaginations.
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