Feng Shui Plants For the Season
Slow the flow of chi – Fast-rushing chi can quickly carry opportunities out of your life, decrease your wealth as money flows out of your home or apartment as quickly as you can make it, and make the inhabitants of a home feel rushed and stressed.
Fast-moving chi is often caused by long hallways or staircases, especially if that hallway or staircase has a door at the end or beginning of it (or both.) You may also have the experience of rushing chi in a home where the front door and back door are directly opposite each other. Chi can come into your home and exit just as quickly through the back door. And chi carries with it opportunities for growth, wealth and advancement.
Placing plants anywhere you wish to slow the rush of chi will help, and you’ll find yourself more attuned to opportunities around you.
You can hang plants from the ceiling, or place them on the edges of a long hallway to slow the flow of chi.
Soften sharp corners to reduce sha chi (killing energy) – If you have a wall that creates a sharp, protruding corner into a room, you can soften this corner by placing a plant in front of that wall. You can do the same thing to soften the corners of square columns or pillars — indoors or out.
Silk plants draped over the sharp corners of tables, countertops, or anything that creates that type of killing energy will soften the energy and make it less uncomfortable for people sitting opposite those sharp corners.
Raise Stagnant Chi in a Corner Is there a corner of your home that constantly collects clutter — and with it, negative chi? Placing a plant in that corner may just provide the solution you need, on both the mundane and metaphysical level. A plant will raise the chi in that space, helping it to circulate around the room and carry with it good fortune and life-affirming energy. And, with a plant in that corner, you won’t be able to place junk, books, paperwork, dirty clothes or anything else that normally collects in that “clutter trap.”
Plants In the Kitchen, Bathroom, and Home Office Plants go well in virtually any room of the home to raise chi, remedy problem areas, and infuse life into the space. Here are some suggestions for using plants in specific rooms of your home.
In the kitchen – You can use plants in the kitchen in front of your windows, where they will help chi and oxygen circulate. You can also place them on your (otherwise clean) countertops to soften the sharp edges of the counter or to slow the flow of rushing chi across granite countertops.
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