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Looking Back at What I’ve Learned

Looking Back at What I’ve Learned

I’ve learned that ultimately I am, right now, all that I can be. If there was more for me to be right now, I’d already be that. I have stopped worrying about tomorrow. I hope you will, too.

I’ve learned that we suffer only until we begin to realize that we can’t know everything. Life is a process and we are in the process. You will always continue to learn more.

I’ve learned that we never make a decision when the time is right; the decision makes itself for you, and you learn to weave it into your life. No sense fretting over it, right?

I’ve learned that until we know that death is similar to life, we live in fear. Death is like getting on an airplane, falling asleep, and waking in another country. Nothing to fear.

I’ve learned that seeking love keeps you from the awareness that you already have it – that you are it. Yes, you, too. You are Love Itself.

I’ve learned that no one can hurt me – that is my job. I am the one who allows the hurt in – or, I can decide not to let it in. It’s always my choice….and yours.

I’ve learned that reality is always kinder than the stories we tell about it. When we learn to look for life’s lessons in our stories, the painful issues take a back seat; but if we don’t search for reality’s lessons, the pain takes a front seat. Where do you want to sit?

I’ve learned that we do only three things in life: we sit, we stand, and we lie horizontal. The rest is just a story. From where you sit, what’s your story?

See Also

I’ve learned that everyone in the world loves me. I just don’t expect them to realize it yet. If I stand still in a crowd and think “Everyone here loves me,” it just radiates forth and returns in…. well, why don’t you try it at your next gathering and discover the secret?

I’ve learned that there are no physical problems – only mental ones. When you solve the mental ones, the ones that appear to be physical change auto magically. Working in the mental realm is much easier, too.

I’ve learned that if I think you are my problem, I am insane. And this is the height of intelligence, right?

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