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How “New” Will Your New Year Be?

How “New” Will Your New Year Be?

by Lois Cheney



As we birth yet another new year, our thoughts may be on the year now past. Perhaps we feel many things could have been better. We see loss in various human arenas: finance, institutions, relationships, and more. We may have regrets over some of our personal actions or inactions, those things we did or failed to do. We may feel abused, even victimized, by the actions of others.

We need to ask ourselves if we want a rehash of 2010 or if we are willing to make the effort to create situations and events in and around us that are truly new. If we want our personal new year to be different than this past year, we must begin to think, act and feel differently about ourselves and our experiences.

At this special time of new beginnings I offer some ideas to bring you confidence that 2011 will be completely and pleasingly new! First, forget the so called “failures” of the twelve months past. Those losses along with the days that produced them are over. Whip out a sheet of paper and begin to write everything you ever did that was a “win”.

Call your list RIGHT ACTIONS. Documenting your “wins” as a list will be the first step toward your intended new journey. It will imbue you with the knowledge and deep seated belief that you are a successful Spirit filled human.

On your “Right Actions” list write every successful, generous, loving thing you have ever done. For instance, “providing extra food for others to brighten their holidays made me feel good,” Or “I decided to finish the college course which led to my being accepted as a …” Or perhaps, “buying that first little house set me on a good road to identifying winning investments.” Or, “I made a special effort to make my mother comfortable in our final weeks together.”

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Whatever you did at any time that brought you a good feeling about yourself, your motives and your abilities write it on your list! The act of writing anything gives it special enlivening energy.

The reason for this exercise is not to encourage living in the past but rather to take you back there long enough to remember those special positive power filled times of yesterday. By reacquainting yourself with your successes of the past you are simply reminding yourself that the power you used then is the power you can elect to use now and in the future.

What name do you give your power? What channel are you tuned to? What is your motivator? Do you think of it as the energy of intuition, Spirit, God, I Am that I Am, High Self, Light or Love? Whatever name you give to it that power is forever yours to use in any way you can think, dream or imagine.

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