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How “New” Will Your New Year Be?

How “New” Will Your New Year Be?

Keep adding to your right actions success list whenever you remember one of your personal winning accomplishments. Adding to your list will build your confidence. It will impress upon you that you are worthwhile and capable of great deeds. Each one of you has special talents and enormous creativity. Believing in yourself will reveal more of your abilities.

Through this list making exercise you will find other new and sometimes startling inventive ideas floating to the surface. Do not ignore your new ideas. Keep a second list of POSSIBILITIES.

Allow the ideas to approach you exactly as they are without placing immediate judgment on them. In other words, just because a particular idea seems beyond your abilities at the moment, too much like “pie in the sky” write it down anyway. Remember that tomorrow everything can change. What seems impossible today may be exactly the action that will work for you next week.

Do not throw away any of your inspired thoughts. WHEN IN DOUBT…WRITE IT DOWN!

Be aware that some of your best most workable ideas may come to you in dreamtime. Write them down the very minute you wake. Even if you cannot understand the metaphor or unusual language of a dream, write it down. Do not let any of these special inspirations escape into forgetfulness.

Pay attention to your colorful daydreams as well. Daydreams can carry wonderful inspirations that are worthy of your notice. Daydreaming is a way of trying out ideas and seeing the probable results. Let no idea wither for lack of your investigation.

The importance of written lists is that we are able to see things in a more concrete form. When ideas are standing side by side on paper we can evaluate much more directly. Clarity of thought is more likely.

Make this new year of yours shine with the ultimate in newness. Make it your best new year yet.

I would like to repeat an excerpt from an e-mail I received from the “Intenders” group:

See Also

“You are called, now, to give birth to a new way of life for yourself and for all those who walk this world with you. You stand poised at the threshold of great expansion in your perceptions, your possibilities, and your consciousness.

Now is not the time to settle for less or to think small. You are here to rise up and out of the prevailing paradigm of beliefs by shining your light and sharing your joy.

May all who seek comfort enjoy it. May all who want abundance experience it. May all who intend peace create it. May all who give love receive it. And may all who shine light live in it.”

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