Spirit Guide Connections

Our Spirit Guides, beautiful souls who have most likely lived several lives on Earth in the past, now agreeing to help us evolve and ascend. They make a contract with us before our incarnation here to help us in our life journeys. They know our past and our life themes. They give us warnings and bring us comfort and healing.
Our spirit guides communicate with us from the day we’re born in several different ways, depending on our degree of ability to hear, see and feel their presence. Some people consider this “voice” to be their inner voice of consciousness but most likely it’s their Spirit Guide they are hearing along with their built-in connection to Higher Realms. When a person’s abilities are heightened, a spirit guide’s ability to communicate greatly increases, along with healing energy levels and the ability to heal the body and mind.
Children are often very able to hear their spirit guide’s warnings and also their laughter. Once I wrote down the name of a guide who was speaking to me for a woman whose reading I was about to do. I read it to her when she arrived and she told me that it was the same name she had given her doll as a child. I believe it was because she was able to hear her messages very clearly. It was pretty remarkable the information I received about this woman through her guide. That was probably because she was so psychically in-tune. She was also able to channel lots of energy, which I attribute to her being in Ascension mode. She said she could always feel and hear this presence around her but didn’t know who to ask for help. It had frightened her for a long time before she started seeking out people who could answer her questions about the metaphysical and paranormal.
So how do we choose our guides and why do we make these “soul agreements” together for them to assist us here? Karma and past life situations are sometimes the key reasons we contract with certain souls. A soul who agrees to be a spirit guide may also have special “soul knowledge” and resonate on a higher level which will be invaluable to the person’s life themes and lessons.
Spirit Guides and Angels are very different in their missions here and vibrate at different energy levels but often they are working together in emergencies. Spirit Guides can seem much more Earthbound because they are working so closely with us, but Angels are much more advanced. Your guides can call on the Angels to assist when you may not be able to consciously do so.
Personally, I have found that the more I am connected to someone through friendship and spiritual readings, the more detailed information I get. For example, I was having a small workshop and someone’s guide started giving me a dire warning about a situation. This man said he had no idea if this was true or not, it was the first he had heard of this “situation” going on behind his back. A few days later, I received a phone call from him verifying exactly what his spirit guide had told me. It was really hard for him to believe that these people he had trusted would have done these things, but it was all true. I am used to people asking me questions and receiving clear and concise answers but when these warnings come in, it surprises me too.
Although our spirit guides give us lots of insight and information to our lives, they cannot always interfere or give us exact instructions. They can help us to understand our options in life but they cannot always tell us which path to take. We still have our free will and other cosmic guidance that we can take into consideration. We are here to learn soul lessons and if it were that easy as having a spirit guide telling you exactly what to do, well what would be the point?
Along with our Spirit Guides, we have Healing Guides who assist us by channeling energy when we are in physical, mental or emotional trauma. When I am giving a reading to someone, I almost always get information on the healing souls surrounding someone. These souls are often loved ones and friends who have crossed over who are assisting in times of crisis involving health and trauma. I have also been told that everyone is born with certain healing guides but many others join in later as they transition to the light.
I always recommend that anyone who wishes to channel energy and connect to their spirit guides “protect” themselves with Ascension practices, meditation and prayer. These practices can help ensure that the only souls you are communicating with are there to assist you in this life. A person who practices Ascension Meditation and is tuning in will have the protection of legions of Light bearing souls! They have access to the knowledge of Saints and Ascended Masters and they love us dearly and unconditionally. We are all one.
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About the Author
Judi Lynch is a psychic medium, intuitive counselor, healing channel and author. She is president of the Crystal Healing Foundation, Inc. a 501(c) spiritual charity and writer for OM Times Magazine. She has authored two books, Friends with Lights and Conscious Ascension and has read for clients all over the world. To learn more or contact for a session see judilynch.com

Judi Lynch is a psychic medium, intuitive counselor, healing channel and author. She is president of the Crystal Healing Foundation, Inc., a 501(c) spiritual charity and featured columnist for OM Times Magazine. She has authored two books, Friends with Lights and Conscious Ascension, and has read for clients all over the world.
Very well written judy?