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Love Happens as Fragrance to Flowers

Love Happens as Fragrance to Flowers

by Baba Shuddhaanandaa Brahmachari



The Path of Love is ultimately through the heart. Your heart is the center of the Divine and also the center of the Universe. Your Heart is your Home where God dwells in Love. For God is Love. Love happens in the heart and spreads to every atom in the body and then ripples over to the universal body of the manifested world. God feels the love for each one of us; God feels love for every atom of every being on earth without expecting anything in return.

Love for the Divine and channeling all actions and thoughts toward the Divine and divinizing every cell of your body to realize the Divine is the very purpose of human life.

That is the reason all who has realized that mystical love, ecstasy and surrender have influenced other people to walk on the path to true happiness and bliss. They are remembered and worshiped all over the world and their teachings are timeless. We have to follow their footsteps, and regularly read about their lives, sacrifices, self giving and love toward God; for it is only by loving God with all our heart and soul that we will get back our natural rhythm of life.

The history of mankind has not a single example of one who cried for God and did not see Him. One who has that Vision sees the same Truth in all beings, and then love happens. When love happens it spreads its fragrance far and wide, bringing balance in the lives of many.

The Yogis and Enlightened Masters reach to that state of seeing with the vision of Intuition the Oneness of all that is manifested. Then what remains with them is the Love, and Love and Compassion, for all that is in this universe.

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Then they don’t love as you do now, then Love happens as breath happens.

It is simple: when you realize that there is no second Truth other than the Divine that is clear proof that your heart center is now open to recognize the ultimate reality beyond all the relativity. When your heart center is open, you will love all, not as an act but more like flowers spreading fragrance spontaneously.

Did you hear me saying “love happens”? That love “happens” and is not something that you “do” is a realization that comes only after the heart center is opened. Compassion and forgiveness flow from the heart like the sacred river mother Ganges with all its spontaneity.

Love protects, liberates and unites! This may, at first, seem to be contradictory! How can something that liberates, unite? How can something that protects bring freedom? But this paradox only occurs when one thinks of Love as something that one does. Love is never a willful act. You cannot Love through willpower.

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