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Keeping the Channels Open

Keeping the Channels Open

Here are some gentle “suggestions” I use when working with others on opening and keeping open their channels and increasing their abilities.

  1. Take good care of your body. Eat healthy food, exercise, and walk; take a yoga class, etc. It doesn’t have to be too strenuous, just gets the blood flowing and keeps your heart working well.
  2. Practice meditation on a regular or daily basis, stimulate your mind with positive images and reading material, and stay positive!!
  3. I cannot stress enough about not drinking too much alcohol! It blocks up your third eye and distorts your abilities. It is never a good idea to drink and channel.
  4. Do your “soul” work? Forgiving others is so important to heightening and realizing your true self and ability to communicate with your spiritual guides. Let go of the past and let go of your fear! Believe in the infinite possibilities of the soul. Let go of judgment and remove yourself as best you can from anything or anyone that would harm you emotionally or physically.
  5. Be kind to yourself. Believe in yourself. Practice complete compassion. Put good intentions out to the Universe. Expect and be grateful for Miracles.

All of these things will help in raising your vibration and your abilities, including your ability to communicate with your own personal spiritual and healing guides. Your beautiful light being self will come into realization and shine brighter. We are healing. We are ascending.


See Also

Keywords: Judi Lynch, ascension, channeling, soul communication, lightworking, spirituality, New Age

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