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Metaphysical Disaster Preparedness

Metaphysical Disaster Preparedness

Feeling centered in these times is not easy. Everywhere you look, from webmail to the television sets in local restaurants, there are strong emotions being expressed constantly about the state of the world.

I have learned to hold my center in these turbulent times working with Meta-Thoughts® by Ingrid Coffin (free subscription  “You are as happy as you have decided to be” is one that I use when I want to create an attitude adjustment form the inside out.

Know yourself emotionally and accommodate your sensitivities. Do you tend to feel the suffering of the others easily? Then find a way to channel your emotions into some kind of action- like volunteering to help or donating. Offer your emotions as a positive resource of assistance and help elevate the planet.

One thing I choose is to limit my exposure to the news. I choose how long or how often it is in my world.  I also feel deep compassion for those enmeshed in these dramatic events while knowing that the whole world is pulling together to help. When my emotions tend toward worrying, I shift my focus to my heart and send loving energy to those in need.

Mental World

“Fear is the mind killer.” When I first read that line in Frank Herbert’s Dune it changed my teenage life. Not that I was a fearful person overall, but it showed me how to overcome the obstacles to making the things that I wanted happen in my life that I wanted. It gave me a mantra to help pierce the veil of unknown possibility which I have used ever since to assist in manifesting my visions, no matter how seemingly impossible.

See Also
Chance_The Saint Bernard_OMtimes

Fear is the mind killer. That same line echoed in my mind on 9/11 last year in a different context. I thought about how that incident changed the course of society in that it reinstituted fear as a cultural paradigm. When I talked to my mother about it, she said that it happened to her generation during WW II.  The fear focus was the Bomb.

We came to the conclusion that each generation has a swing of the pendulum between trusting and fearful.  What do you think?

It is tough to not buy into the fear because the outside world is permeating the media pores of the collective consciousness with alarm. They go to great lengths to convince us that the bad guys or nature are out there and they may get us… be it terrorists or communists or witches or…name the group and the historic period.  It can be difficult to hold your space as an independent thinker with all of that societal pressure. If you are afraid, you can’t think.  Fear is the mind killer.  You tend to react instead of respond. The best way I know of to release fear is to breathe and let go of the emotional gripping that fear puts around your breath.

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View Comment (1)
  • Beautifully written! Thanks for your reassuring stance combined with your actual life experience..tales of survival and rebirth..I know a few..thanks for yours.

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