Metaphysical Disaster Preparedness
Spiritual World
The spiritual world to me is where everything starts. If we are doing our spiritual work, we are better able to manage our other worlds. Do your meditation, rituals, yoga, and prayer. They make a big difference as those intentions help elevate the field of consciousness of which we are all a part. Change the world by changing you.
Participate in global prayer/meditation/visualization practices when you can. It is amazing what can happen when well intentioned, powerful people focus on a common cause.
Keep your consciousness at a high level. Don’t engage the disaster/end of the world mentality. It’s good to know what’s going on and how you want to respond to it; however do what you can to stay with an attitude of service and wholeness. Allow your energy and intention to contribute to compassion and planetary healing.
Using these four aspects of our lives, physical, emotional, mental and spiritual, we can stay in enough balance so we can live our lives as whole beings making conscious choices. For me it is all summed up in the old Arab quote “Trust in Allah and tie your camel,”, so I do my work the best I can on all levels, knowing they are all a part of the interwoven fields of existence we call life.
Cristina is metaphysically-prepared energetic healer and Sustainable Wellness™ coach. Her website is and you may feel free to contact her at .
©2011 Cristina Smith. All rights reserved.
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Beautifully written! Thanks for your reassuring stance combined with your actual life experience..tales of survival and rebirth..I know a few..thanks for yours.