“wherever you go”
We know that some of you feel at home only in the mountains. Others obtain inspiration and comfort by being near the ocean or a stream of water. Some feel the need for the open plains.
So if you are interested in portraying, utilizing the best part of you, your most creative, dynamic self, where would you live? Who or what would you be near? Would you start a totally new job? How would you organize your day to day life?
I ask these questions particularly today because there is a greater feeling of unrest in the world, a need to keep moving, than many of us have ever experienced before. I believe part of that unrest stems from the fact that we seek assurance that we are doing the best for ourselves and our world.
In other words we are beginning to realize our responsibility not only to ourselves but to humanity in general. We feel an urgency to use our highest abilities. We are willing to make any changes that will help us to do so.
To accomplish this outcome of productivity, as you go through your day, take note of your emotions. What makes you restless? What gives you a feeling of accomplishment filled with deep joy? Are you dealing effectively with you surroundings? Could some small or large changes of location or relationships improve your personal effectiveness?
I believe that each one of you incarnated on earth at this very special time to use your creativity, your unique abilities to aid in the ascension of all humanity. It seems important to institute whatever changes will allow you to be your most loving and productive best.

OMTimes Magazine is one of the leading on-line content providers of positivity, wellness and personal empowerment. OMTimes Magazine - Co-Creating a More Conscious Reality