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Healing the Heart of Grief

Healing the Heart of Grief

When we lose someone through physical death or through physical separation it takes time for the heart to recover from the loss. We have to ask why when things were so good, did this have to change? And that’s when we realize what it forces us to do. To be brave and remember that we are whole as we are and that the energy made out of love never leaves us. We just have to be able to understand how to stay in the vibration to feel it. To always remember that we are able to feel and hear and see through the illusion that there are only so many dimensions to experience.

Our physical bodies still contain our ability to reason and think the way we are taught and programmed throughout our lives to react to loss and trauma and grief. We do depend on others to help us in life in so many ways that we forget we are strong and able and brave all on our own. We get so used to having the people close to us that we can find ourselves in emotional shock for quite a while and trying to understand how to overcome it.

It is one thing to say the words, but actually letting go through releasing the negativity and feeling the rush of the positive energy surrounding you is amazing to experience. You can see colors on the landscape and taste your food and laugh again, your hope comes back and so does your appreciation to be alive. Your life has a purpose. Healing your heart chakra from grief helps to fulfill that purpose and accelerates your soul growth.

Even when we understand that we are ascending, changing and evolving here on Earth, it is still difficult to lose someone who was your partner or best friend here. Depending on your personal stage of development in abilities, you may not be able to understand or feel their energy yet, but you know it’s there. Letting go of the grief takes some time for some and not too much for others. The ability to feel energy and communicate plays a big factor in the healing process. Validating information and feeling the light energy can help bring back the willingness to move into the future.

See Also

The process that one goes through in grief is personal and varied depending on the person and their life experiences. One person may work through many layers of grief in 6 months and another may take twice or three times as long. The time of grieving and the way of grieving depend on the attachment we have, the connections we have around us and our ability to feel and channel the energy and the messages they bring.

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