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Healing the Heart of Grief

Healing the Heart of Grief

I have seen firsthand many times, the peace it brings to someone to receive messages and information that validates the safe trip of their loved one to the Other Side. That peace is part of the healing process as there is still that place in the heart missing the person in physical form. You might think you have healed many parts of your grief, only to have it return in another form later. The process of letting yourself feel the emotions and release them will help your physical body and your spiritual self to stay healthy. If you feel that you are stuck in a certain emotion or extremely depressed, always seek help from someone with professional experience.

Even those who work as spiritual advisers, healing channels and mediums feel grief for those they have lost even though we know where they are and can communicate with them. We miss their physical presence here and the ability to have their physical help even though they can help us in other (more spiritual) ways. They can also assist us by calling in for help from the Universe when we need it. After a while we begin to see them as an extra guide helping to watch over us and cheer us on to keep going. What they gave us in life is so valuable if we remember and honor those qualities that helped to make their soul shine and yours shine a little brighter too. Their loving energy is always around.

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