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The Art of Knowing Myself

The Art of Knowing Myself

by Gina Hardy



Art is something personal don’t you think? We are all born with the ability to create and become an artist in whatever discipline we choose.

None greater than being your own artist discovering the lifelong shape of who you are. That means always being willing to know and learn about you. It is without exception the greatest journey of your life. It’s about experimenting with experience. It’s not about getting it wrong or right but merely learning about what feels good and what doesn’t and adapting towards more inner happiness through the choice of healing and growth.

In relationship, is where we get to chisel our greatness according to our surroundings. If you are into Bruce Lipton you will know that his exciting discoveries show that we are the product of our environment and that disease is predominantly a response to negative life patterns not so much about genetics or hereditary conditions.

As an esteemed cell biologist Bruce experimented with healthy cells, placing them in unhealthy conditions and watched as the cells withered and died within days. Ground breaking but something I feel is inherently right.

I watch people in session and in situations with partners, family, friends or colleagues who are allowing their inner light to wither, bringing stress related illness and yet with unconscious action they keep themselves chained to whatever they are experiencing, kidding themselves that worse things happen at sea!

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My point here is about the observation of your responses to life and living environment within your emotional, mental and physical bodies. What are the millions of bits of information coming at you every second, telling you? And what about your response and subsequent reactions? This is where the art of knowing yourself lies. In the interpretation and translation into word and movement, creating the picture of who you are in relation to your environment.

The difference between mastering the art of you or not, is your level of consciousness, which for me is awareness. How aware are you of what you radiate to the world? It’s only in the reflection of the way others behave back that gives you a strong indicator of what you are giving out. E.G Wake up grumpy and all interactions for that day are likely to be full of grumpiness. Simples! So in the noticing “Oh I feel really grumpy”, there are two choices. Carry on manifesting negative energy radiators or change your thinking and what you give out.

Master the art of not tampering with your experience.

I can hear some of you saying, “Yeah I know all that!” But do you often sit with what you are experiencing, fully allow the emotions around it without interfering and then move forward into healthier more loving action towards yourself then others?

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