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The Path of Synchronicity

The Path of Synchronicity

So Ritam Bara Pragyan means he whose mind, or she whose mind is filled with the rhythm of the cosmos. So when the elements and forces in you and the elements and forces in the cosmos are totally aligned, then in that expression, in that field of almost choiceless awareness, a little subtle intention orchestrates its own fulfillment. That little subtle intention, in that field where the elements and forces are aligned, they summon forth the possibility waves to cohere together, to collapse into space time events that are synchronized so that the outcome is determined.”

Getting into this place – the space of synchronicity – is not as simple as wishing for something and then expecting it to appear. It involves aligning with the energies of the cosmos. We’ll be looking at how we can do that.

Things That Get In Our Way

Yes, there will be things that prevent us from accepting synchronicity into our lives, and we’ll have to take a good look at them. This is important because if we know what traps our minds can set for us then we can avoid them more easily. It also has a more positive slant than just avoidance. When we see the errors we all can fall into, every one of us, we have the opportunity to grow our compassion. Our errors are not different from anyone else’s. Seeing our own anger, for example, can lead us to think again about whether anger is even necessary. Usually it isn’t. Thinking in this way will inevitably cause us to have compassion for others’ anger. Noticing our own greed and longing can make us more open and generous to those who are in the grip of greed and desire. Witnessing how we dislike others can lead us back to love, and to loving those who are stuck in the place of hatred. We forgive them, and at the same time we forgive ourselves. Then we can let go of those negative feelings. Getting free of all these ego-demands is what we need to do if we are to welcome synchronicity fully into our lives.

The Shadow

See Also

If you’ve ever found yourself feeling unexpectedly angry, or sad, or lost this is almost certainly an upsurge of emotion that comes from the Unconscious, from the Shadow part of you – the part of you that perhaps you’d prefer not to acknowledge. If we are really to get free enough to follow where synchronicity leads us we will have to make the descent into the self and meet what Carl Jung called the Shadow Self.

If we don’t take steps to meet the Shadow Self we cannot draw from its energy, and instead we will fight it, exhausting ourselves. Think of it this way: If you have a terrifying dream you can pretend it didn’t happen. But if it comes back again and again this may not be possible. If you still try to ignore it you may well find you’re afraid to go to sleep at all, and that will soon ravage your health and happiness. Even sleeping tablets and alcohol won’t work after a while. The dream, and the unconscious material it holds, has to be faced, acknowledged, and worked through, or peace cannot be re-established. Only then can you become authentically who you are. This is the Shadow talking to you. It lets you know it’s there through dreams – and it also makes its presence felt when you move into a destructive, critical, or self-destructive frame of mind.

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