This is the MOMENT!
The mind is such a trickster.
Unconsciously, you have convinced your mind that you are powerless. That is what the mind is saying to you all the time. The mind is like a computer. Whatever you feed it, that’s what you get back. Garbage in, garbage out. Whatever you give in life, even to yourself, is what you receive. Now is the time for you to break the chains with which you have bound yourself and lowered yourself.
It is your own thoughts that you need to rephrase. You need to reprogram your mind to trust in the immense power of your Soul. Your Soul knows no depression, no fear, and no stress. These negative feelings are only a pretense of your mind. If you trust in the quality of the Soul, in your own Spirit, then you can shrug off the treacherous mechanisms of the mind.
Your mind may have convinced you that you are a lamb. But in your Spirit, you are a lion – a Lion King. If that lion could drag you to a pool to show you your own reflection in the water, you would see that you are a lion. Roar like a lion and come out of your pretense of being a sheep. Jump out of the bed with a grateful heart and accept your life as the gift of the Universe, one that has infinite possibilities and opportunities.
This is the MOMENT! Be present in it!

OMTimes Magazine is one of the leading on-line content providers of positivity, wellness and personal empowerment. OMTimes Magazine - Co-Creating a More Conscious Reality