Handling Mid-Life Crisis
Lions, Tigers and Bears OH MY!!!
by Andrea Martin
Mid-life is certainly not for the timid. No way! We have so many things we are confronted with it can be an extraordinarily overwhelming time in a person’s life. We have the most perplexing series of changes to deal with, and if your life is like mine, well, they come in abundance.
There are the physical changes that come with great irony. Women start to thicken around the waist and spread in places that were previously nice and compact. By a twist of gender-bending fate women sprout a mustache and tiny chin hairs! Men on the other hand tend to lose their illustrious locks and (dare I go there) watch their previously perky pectorals sag into the culturally dreaded man-boobs. Yes mid- life is a bear!
I try to make light of this deliberately because mid-life comes with great angst to so many when not viewed in the correct light. Midlife is the greatest chance for the D’s to take hold
- Death (of parents and elders)
- Divorce
- Disability
- Depression
- Disillusionment
- Derailment
This time forces us to order our lives around rearing children and helping our elderly. Then, after a decade or more of losing ourselves in service— We then lose those whom we served. Our parents often become sick and require professional care and pass on. The kids go off to school….. or worse yet … they get a life of their own… and not at all the one you “chose” for them.
It’s tremendous change to cope with and sadly we are NOT taught to embrace it.
Most are already challenged by the changes on the outside and then IT HITS! Like an internal beast, a tiger, gnawing and tearing asunder of all of what you previously regarded so highly with a voice bantering in your head repeatedly insisting that something is wrong or at best isn’t the way it should be. This is when we start to glamorize and romanticize our youth and give the present circumstances scathing reviews. No wonder we feel miserable. We are misinterpreting the impulses.
Mid-life is a unique time and a special opportunity for us. It’s not a time to paint the past as the glory days and re-live them. It is a time to see our past (and ourselves) in a different context and decide what ADJUSTMENTS we need to make. The angst that arises to show us what is crying out to shake us up and show us what we have been numbed or blind to some big issues. It screams at us “PAY ATTENTION!” “This is important!” “You get this lesson and you will get freedom!”
So when mid-life speaks –you had better listen.
When we begin to alter our focus to what really matters our upsets and imbalances begin revealing to us who we are, and exactly who we have become, as a result of our past beliefs, ideals and philosophies. We begin to deal with the aspects that need tweaking and altering to face not only the second half of our earthly life … but prepare us for the consciousness that we take into the afterlife!
If you are but willing to sit with the pains of the body and the mind they will make exquisite revelations to you. It takes a brave soul to walk into their pain rather than resist and run. Yet for those who do they find that when the insight comes and the heart is given the lead, life is transformed in an instant. The pain is heard and as such imparts its wisdom so it can leave us and in it’s wake is peace, passion and poise.
You see the first half of our lives we are fixated with all the outer aspects of living. We take the necessary journey to marry, mate, build our home and accumulate a few dollars because that is WHAT THE CULTURAL PROGRAM TELLS US TO DO! We quest for half of our life for material pleasures and treasures.
And it is certainly not wrong or bad to do those things. In fact it is quite necessary to get to here – at the delicious mid-life crisis!
Here is where we learn real power. We learn to LISTEN TO THE SPIRITUAL INSPIRATION OF OUR SOUL.
While living exclusively for the manifesting of the outer life we often lose little pieces of ourselves to experiences that hurt, humiliated or were shameful. We also carry blame and anger and hold resentments toward those that “interfered” in our plans. This is when it is time to CALL YOUR SPIRIT BACK!
The pain and discomfort of mid-life is not there to pull you apart. It is there to push you into reclaiming your power!
I hear it repeatedly from clients. They declare themselves to be depressed and sadly, all too often, are medicated, when in fact what that they are – is on the verge of amazing breakthroughs!
Many times our trouble is sourced from lack of clarity that causes us to be ignorant of our life purpose. Sometimes we possess sight but lack insight or intuition. Often we bend our morals to suit ourselves and find that perhaps there was folly in doing so. True fulfillment cannot occur as long as false or erroneous nonsense is running us.
In comes mid-life like a lion and its designed to shake you so that you know how to create a stable foundation. But it was not intended to punish you or torment you. Midlife is a gift. It is the most amazing chance you will get to get to discover the treasure in your heart and the music in your soul.
If you are in your mid-life years learn to take 10 minutes each day and see what wisdom the silence has to share with you. When you learn to let go and just ALLOW a new life of supreme pleasure waits. Okay mid-life may come with a beard and a little cellulite — but it’s a small price to pay for serenity and true fulfillment.
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