Oracle August 2011
More and more folks are looking for information that helps them along the way. These are the days to begin to exercise your faith: faith in the process, faith in yourself, faith in like minded folks as we move toward the birthing of the new reality.
There is a fabulous book, well several, but two I am reading right now which are way-showers at different levels and I highly recommend them to you as you solidify your faith in All That Is this month of August. One is “Spontaneous Evolution” by Bruce Lipton, PhD. And Steve Bhaerman and the other one is “The Way Forward” by Ishmael Tetteh. I offer this information as I am truly encouraged in my personal faith in the new world, the new reality, my new directions and the new directions on a global scale even though chaos appears to be what is in front of us. Faith in times of change sustains us individually as well as the collective consciousness of humanity and the grounding of that strong consciousness in the very planet we are part and parcel of.
The integration of our faith into our lives goes with our perceptions of reality. As we move ourselves and our world forward, we have to suspend our limitations and in a leap of faith jump into the unknown expanding who we are and what we are here to do! It is coming, now is the time to build, change, adjust or increase that faith. It is truly a calling for those who understand how we show ourselves to the world. How we show that all really is well, that each of us on the planet at this time has a role to play, a purpose to fulfill in birthing the new reality. Yours is in front of you. Look , see, have faith and more will be revealed to you as you move through this intense year of transition.
This month of August is a time to explore the basis of your faith. It is time to explore, as you continually seek out and discover, what is no longer working for you, what needs to be strengthened. As you build or change your faith, which is not only entirely possible, but could be very important to consider right now, do it while stepping fully into the Being that you are. Based on your new faith, you will find it sustains you as well as expands you as well as those you love and even on out to the collective. The authentic, real, true you is founded in your faith. See yourself as growing and changing to the True You – Your Authentic Self – as your new faith supports the platform from which you will spring into action, into the unknown.
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