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A Magical Healing Garden

A Magical Healing Garden

Charlotte Reznick PhD is a child educational psychologist, an Associate Clinical Professor of Psychology at UCLA, and author of the LA Times bestselling book The Power of Your Child’s Imagination: How to Transform Stress and Anxiety into Joy and Success (Perigee/Penguin, 2009). In addition to her private practice, she creates therapeutic relaxation CDs for children, teens, and parents and teaches workshops internationally on the healing power of children’s imagination. You can find out more about her at

Spring is a time of new beginnings: flowers blooming and seeds blossoming into lush plants that we’ve nurtured and cultivated earlier. Spring can also be a time of renewal for our children – to open their hearts, to share their hopes, and to expand their dreams. We can guide our children toward their right path by helping them connect with their own inner seeds – of peace – of joy – of love. We can teach them how to the heal hurts of their personal dark winter – in the present, and from the past. And, we can support our children in developing their potential. The most potent technique that I have found in my twenty-five years of practice is for children to connect with the healing power of their own imagination.

The impact of positive images while in a relaxed state is tremendous. After one group session using the magic garden and healing pond imagery, three boys were relieved of the pain of their stomachache, headache, and canker sore respectively. During another group, an adolescent girl with a pounding headache eliminated her pain without medication, and later successfully taught the simple imagery technique to her friends at school.

To inspire and to start you using imagery with the kids you work or live with right away, here are three brief guided journeys. First, use “a rainbow light” to reach a very deep relaxed state; second, bring in “a magic garden” to help grow inner seeds; and third, make use of “a healing pond” to heal physical and emotional hurts. They can be used separately or together, based on your goals with the children. An animal friend (or wizard) is used as a guide and helper, a valuable tool to access unconscious wisdom. “Gifts” are used as unique ways to receive power and assistance. For example, one eight-year-old girl received the gift of a spiral-moving rainbow to heal her chronic stomach pains, along with rainbow glasses to see her world in a more positive light. Another child received the gift of a golden heart to help him heal the physical heart-breaking pain he experienced during his parents divorce.

If you choose to use the following imageries, you may find your kids feel healthier and happier, while learning to expand their own healing capabilities. You’ll be surprised at what wise answers their inner guides offer, what gifts they receive, and what awareness they develop that can be applied to their everyday world. Use your most soothing, slow voice with soft music in the background if possible.


“Allow your eyes to gently close and focus on your breathing … we’re letting all our troubles float away … in beautiful rainbow balloons. Imagine a beautiful colored rainbow floating above your head … the purples and the blues … the greens and the yellows … the oranges and the reds … and maybe some gold and silver…. Notice what colors your special rainbow is…. And as you breathe, this beautiful rainbow grows larger and larger … and starts to gently wash over you … to help you relax…. And to go inside and find that special calm place that waits for you each day.”

See Also
adrenal fatigue OMTimes

You might now suggest the child relax each part of his/her body as the rainbow light moves through. And then….

“As you breathe you are totally safe in the rainbow light … totally safe … totally protected … very, very comfortable.”

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