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The Power in Goodbye

The Power in Goodbye

By Rev. Judi A. Lynch

One thing we all eventually have to learn in our lifetimes is how to say goodbye. We have to say goodbye to relationships that don’t work and to loved ones and family as they leave this World for the next. We also learn to leave behind old habits and things that can harm our physical and emotional health.

It can be challenging to say the least. It can be downright frightening to be on your own again after having the companionship of someone close after many years. It can be painful to give up food that you love that is causing you harm or friends that put you in constant emotional warfare even though you love them.

The power of goodbye is that it can also leave you exhilarated at the promise of a better future. New opportunities, new friendships, new life goals can replace the old notions and beliefs. The power of goodbye is that it changes your attitudes about yourself that may have turned negative due to your surroundings. It means soul growth.

Like a baby giving up a pacifier, it can mean you learn to walk alone and discover things about yourself you have either forgotten or never knew. It means that you can stand up and change the things which are preventing you from the future you need to manifest.

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Loving from a distance those who have brought you pain knowing you are better off to forge ahead down a new path with lessons learned. As painful as some changes can be, they are necessary. Resistance can hold you back from discovering your life purpose and fulfilling your soul’s very plan for overcoming what may have been a life theme to overcome for many lifetimes lived on Earth.

An empathetic person has to learn when to say goodbye and when not to take on too much of another’s pain. Familiarity and soul recognition are not an excuse for another to play on your sympathy. That what a person says and what they do and really feel inside can be quite different. Sometimes we forget that love is unconditional but trust is earned.

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