Are you Charlie Brown?
by Janice Chrysler
Many of us grew up with either reading the Peanuts comic in the newspaper or watching the now traditional cartoons at Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas. Since its creation in 1950 until its creator died in February 2000, many life lessons were portrayed through these simple yet timeless stories. When you think back over the various cartoons you can see where the lessons of growing up and life in general were played out. We always felt sorry for poor Charlie Brown, good guy who never seemed to get it right. Yet, he survived and often in the end was the wiser despite all the failed attempts at kite flying, taking in all of the name calling and having his heart broken by the little red headed girl. He never gave up, was always hopeful that this would be the season that his team would win the baseball game when he was pitching, that Lucy wouldn’t pull the football out from under him when he went to kick it and he might convince Peppermint Patty that Snoopy was a regular dog! Whatever his group of friends was going through, he was the stable one they all could count on. He had a heart that was forgiving and loving.
So why didn’t he seem to get ahead? Charlie Brown lacked the one thing needed for him to achieve what he truly desired…positive thinking and self-confidence. He was the first to put himself down and believe the negative things Lucy had to say about him. He would place his success solely on the approval of his friends, which often left him feeling let down and disappointed. They were not necessarily bad friends but rather he was not being the friend to himself he wanted them to be to him. How often are we like Charlie Brown? “Good grief”, we cry wondering why misfortune seems to be our fate?
Placing the blame on our situation or other people does not help us in liking ourselves or aiding us in getting beyond our present circumstances and achieve what we desire. We need to take back control in our lives at the inner most level. All healing, manifestation and growth in awareness begins within. The answers do not all come at once, at least not usually, however, if we are open to receive and experience what is sent to us we will begin to notice the many synchronicities in our life. Think back over the connections that brought you where you are today in your life. Each of us has been making choices that have resulted in our meeting certain people and making decisions which has resulted our being in this place at this time for a reason yet to be unfolded. We are all on our own journey and its experience will be and is unique to each of us. Being open to receive and acknowledge signs and following our intuition will assist us in uncovering our purpose and path. We will learn when to lead, when to follow and when to support one another, whether it is within our home, community or throughout the earth.
Change is not always easy but often necessary. That was something Charlie Brown didn’t seem to do. Perhaps he, like us, didn’t know what else to do so continued to do the same thing over and over expecting different results…surprise nothing changed! As difficult as it can be at first, if we are open to learn from our past we can pave the way for a more meaningful future. When something is done and over with, let it go and move on, focusing on your own growth and development. What is it you desire? If you are lonely, visit someone who is lonely, if you are in need of receiving something (money, a friendly smile) give to someone else in need. As always, show gratitude for your blessings. Through gratitude we develop a thankful heart willing to receive even more.
It comes down to success being what we make it – to us. No matter how much we have, how many people are around us, or what anyone else thinks nothing will matter if we do not like who we are and feel comfortable in our own skin. We are the only ones who can change how we feel about ourselves, can forgive ourselves, can create the determination to continue on with the belief that we are pure potentiality and manifestation is ours.
In the words of Charlie Brown, “ In the book of life, the answers aren’t in the back.” Remember that our story is already within us, waiting for us to uncover life’s mysteries one page at a time.
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