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Following the Chi

Following the Chi


A lot of people involved in spiritual exploration wonder: How do you know when you’ve connected with your true self? I think if you’re asking the question, you’re not there. When you become your true self, it’s an all-knowing experience; there aren’t necessarily all these mundane questions. It’s more about simply being present. When you get into that space, you know it. You experience bliss, and everything else gravitates toward you, rather than fighting against you. When you’re in that space, you’re not asking that question.

In the Daily Thoughts section of your website, you post quotes from a lot of great spiritual masters. One person you quote often is Wayne Dyer. How did you first encounter Wayne’s books, and what do you like about his method of teaching? The book that really started to open me up to Wayne Dyer was “Change your Thoughts, Change Your Life.” This was his review and analysis of the Tao. Each week, he meditated and focused on one verse from the Tao Te Ching. That really got me understanding his thought processes, and that led me into other reading. I haven’t had the opportunity to meet him yet, but I look forward to that some day. I truly believe he is on the path of bringing awareness to others. He is someone I greatly respect and enjoy being in the space he creates through his teachings and writings.

You use a form of Feng Shui called Black Sect Buddhist (BTB) Feng Shui. What is the difference between BTB Feng Shui and other Feng Shui philosophies? There are a variety of different schools of thought on Feng Shui. They all are set up to help you accomplish your  goals and live a more fulfilling life. The predominant difference between Black Sect and other Feng shui approaches, like Flying Stars or Eight Mansions, is the way you assign the ba gua to the space based on how the chi enters. We arrange the ba gua based on the front door or how the chi enters the space, and the others are based on the cardinal directions: North, South, East and West.

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