2012 – YOUR Year of Change
by Shay Parker
The year 2012 is now upon us and there are many different ideas and beliefs for what is to come. As many of you know, I am the founder of Best American Psychics and Best American Healers and I host two radio shows on CBS radio, “Best of the Best’ and ‘Metaphysical Minds’. I’ve had the rare opportunity to interview hundreds of people across the globe, including psychics, healers, best-selling authors, and well-known celebrities. I have attended expos, premieres, and functions in New York as well as LA and many places in between.
As I sit here writing, it is impossible for me to not reflect upon the past several years of my life. My journey has carried me from a very small garage-based office in North Carolina to the prestigious surroundings of CBS Studios in New York. I have been honored to tap into the minds of Shirley MacLaine, Melissa Etheridge, Doreen Virtue, John Holland, Michelle Whitedove, and many others who have shared their personal experiences and friendships with me.
In all the interviews I have conducted, there has been one solid consistency. The famous names have put in a lifetime of work to reach their dreams and their goals. They knew what they wanted, they set their sites on it, and they devoted the time, energy, and money needed to achieve their success. They did not let anything stand in their way, not obstacles, natural disasters, health issues, money challenges, etc. Change hit them on a regular basis, but they rolled with the punches and continued to push forward, never losing sight of their end-game.
Many out there are stating that the year 2012 is a time for change, a complete shift of consciousness, if you will. Many are also asking how this is going to affect them. There are hopes, dreams, fears, rational and perhaps irrational thought patterns, and more all surrounding 2012. Several have asked me what my thoughts are regarding this significant year. Although I interview famous psychics every single day, I myself am not a psychic. I do not profess to know what is going to happen this coming year, or even tomorrow, for that matter.
What I do know is that change is ever-present. No, I am not a psychic but I do not need to be a psychic to know that change will continue to happen. The year does not need to be 2012 for change to remain a consistency. It is true that natural disasters are occurring on a more frequent basis, just as it is true that many governments are unraveling as we speak, but these are not new things throughout the course of history.
“What will be new in 2012? What will be different? What changes can we expect?” All these questions are certainly relative and I believe that these are questions that we must ask ourselves. Gandhi said, “Be the change you wish to see in the world.” Gandhi was right. It is important to remember that we will never be able to stop change from happening, but what we can control is how we can change as individuals.
During an interview with Melissa Etheridge, I asked her what her greatest challenge was. She thought about it for a moment and then very simply answered, “Fear”. She continued to explain that fear is what stagnates everyone, regardless of their dreams or current situation. I feel this was a profound statement when you look at humanity as a whole.
I’m sure most have heard of the fight or flight response to fear.
In 1932, researcher Walter Cannon proved that when an organism experiences a shock or perceives a threat, it reacts instantly by releasing hormones that help it to survive. The mind then chooses a fight or flight response. It is a well-known fact that many are living in fear of the predictions for 2012. So how are people reacting to this fear? Are they choosing a fight or flight response? For many, it is easy to see how they are reacting. Good examples are the ‘Occupy’ protesters being seen across the globe. These people are clearly choosing to fight against their fears. Others have chosen the flight response, and it is sad to say that some have even taken their own lives as a measure of protection against their perceived coming of doom.
To all of this, I say that we have the power to change. We must first begin with changing as individuals in order to change as a society. It is my belief that so many individuals live in such a state of constant fear that they will never be able to actualize their full potential. The predictions for 2012 have exacerbated the already negative views of many and have planted fear in the minds of several others. If definitive action is not taken to combat these fears, then it will continue to be a vicious circle.
So what do we do? How do we change? The answers to these questions are certainly not cut and dry. What works for one person may or may not work for another. I believe the place that we must start; however, is with determining our own individual fears. To do this, I recommend that you write a list of your goals on the left-hand side of a sheet of paper. In the middle of the paper, list the obstacles that you feel stand in your way of achieving these goals. For this exercise (and in daily life), another word for obstacles is fears.
Once you have finished these steps, take a good, long look at your obstacles column. Consider which of those obstacles are mental/emotional, and which are physical. Examples of physical would be money, location, etc. You will find that some of your obstacles are both mental and physical. Create a third column on your paper and break each obstacle down into either physical or mental/emotional. For instance, if a goal of yours is get a New Job, then your Obstacles may be Experience, Location and Money. In column 3, you are going to want to label Experience, Location and Money into physical or mental/emotional categories.
Now this is where the work begins. Rome wasn’t built in a day, and changing your life for the better certainly will take some time, effort, and energy. Moving forward in 2012, start with the mental/emotional obstacles on your list. By attacking your mental or emotional obstacles one at a time, it will enable you to find their weaknesses and overcome them.
Every time you defeat an emotional or mental obstacle, it will clear that negative energy pattern from your system. As each negative energy pattern is removed from your overall being, you will notice a new sense of purpose and drive. You will begin to enjoy a heightened awareness of your surroundings and will discover that you can approach your physical fears with much more energy, clear mindedness, and strength.
Remember, all those that have achieved their goals have had to overcome emotional, mental, and physical obstacles. It is a known fact that people fear change. The year 2012 is here, folks, and change is certain. If this has created a sense of fear in you, it is my hope that you choose fight rather than flight and begin to overcome each of your challenges.
Take care of yourselves, take care of one another, and shift your consciousness.
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