The Transition to the New Golden Age in 2032
by Diana Cooper
2012 marks the end of a 260,000 year cosmic era. I find the significance of this quite awesome. We have all incarnated to help usher out the old and prepare the world for the new Golden Age starting in 2032. This offers every single person on this planet a huge opportunity for spiritual growth.
There are many new high frequency energies entering the planet which will affect us all. For example thirty three cosmic portals are opening and they will flood their areas in golden Christ light which carries wisdom, healing, protection and unconditional love.
Many of the sacred sites and portals in the world have been closed or only partially open. They will start to activate and profoundly influence people to wake up psychically and spiritually. If you visit these sites you will automatically draw in the higher energy.
More of us are now moving into the fifth dimension. This means living in a state of open heartedness, taking mastery and doing what is for the highest good at all times. Then our twelve chakras open and we start to access our gifts from the golden era of Atlantis.
The twelve fifth dimensional chakras of the planet which are situation round the planet will also open in 2012. Each of these connects to a different star and will be able to draw in the stellar wisdom for the use of everyone.
There are extraordinary consequences. For example, as the fifth dimensional heart chakra of the planet opens in Glastonbury, it connects to Venus, the cosmic heart. This will light up the heart centres of all the stars, planets and galaxies, which will merge their divine essence by 2032 and bring our universe fully into the fifth dimension.
I was in Glastonbury recently and the energy felt great. My friend and I meditated and chanted on the Tor and in the Abbey to put in more light. Sometimes, however, it is very sticky here because needy people come to the heart centre and deposit their negativity, which has to be cleansed. So it does need more love and light.
The Atlantean High Priest Thoth programmed a crystal skull with methods of healing and bringing all into oneness and balance. In 2012 the wisdom and knowledge contained in it will become available to us.
Those who were incarnated in Lemuria will wake up and start to activate the powerful Lemurian crystals, which were specifically programmed to heal the planet for the twenty-year transition to 2032. Because this pure healing is sent without ego in a group it will have a huge effect.
There are many other cosmic energies becoming available next year but most important of all is the cosmic moment on 21st December, 2012, when the portals of heaven will open and the pure light of Source will pour for a moment onto the planet. Those who are grounded and ready to receive with an open heart will benefit greatly from this ineffable energy flowing through them and it will move many into ascension.
The time frame for the next twenty years is as follows. 2012 marks the end of the 260,000 year era and the start of the ascension of not just this universe but all the twelve universes to a level higher. From 2012 to 2032 we must go through everything in our lives and throw away all that we don’t wish to take into the new paradigm. This is personal as well as for the planet. We will see the impact on the planet as the clear out starts and then we will have an opportunity to use our energy to cleanse the world rather than be cleansed by understanding and working with the elements and sending love to Lady Gaia for the ley lines.
The main cleansing of the planet will be between 2017 and 2022, during which time nature will use the power of nature to purify any area where there are still lower energies. Between 2023 and 2032 there is a nine year pause to prepare for the Golden Age starting in 2032. Then a new fifth-dimensional blueprint is put into place for our planet and our universe. Everything — trees, flowers, animals, fish, humans — will speed up in frequency.
I am very excited by the opportunities for growth offered during the Transition to the New Golden Age. The angels are pouring in to help and they say that those who are only interested in money and possessions or are stuck in the third dimension will find the next twenty years very challenging. However those who are ready for spiritual expansion, enlightenment and ascension and who want to work with community and nature will find true personal happiness and rich rewards for the soul.
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Diana Cooper is a therapist, a healer, and the author of several books, including 2012 and Beyond, The Keys to the Universe, Angel Inspiration, Discover Atlantis, Light Up Your Life, A Little Light on Ascension, A Little Light on Spiritual Laws, A New Light on Angels, and A New Light on Ascension.
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Hi Diana, I am tasked with 4 phases of daily meditation to remove world negativity and indication that the task is to be done till 2032. I want to talk to you to see if there is anything common that we can connect with. Thank you.