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Transition to the Golden Age in 2032

Transition to the Golden Age in 2032

Transition to the Golden Age in 2032 cover

Transition to the Golden Age in 2032 cover21 December 2012 marks the start of a new 20-year transition period that takes us to 2032, when the new Golden Age truly begins. On the winter solstice of 2012 the planets Neptune, Pluto and Uranus are configured to interact. In Transition to the Golden Age in 2032: Worldwide Forecasts for the Economy, Climate, Politics and Spirituality, her sequel to 2012 & Beyond, Diana Cooper guides us through the changes we are likely to experience in this 20-year period. With specific information for each country and many cities this is the definitive guide to assist the reader in moving through the potential pitfalls of the transition years to reach the Golden Age.

Diana explains that: We are at the brink of the most exciting time for the planet and the most important opportunity for Spiritual Growth that there has ever been, millions of people will be waking up over the next five to ten years as our planet moves into the fifth dimension and new frequencies come in to raise the consciousness of everybody and everything.

Transition to the Golden Age in 2032 shows the reader how to tap into the energies of the universe to gain understanding of the changes taking place. Exciting new spiritual energies will be coming into the planet and influencing specific areas and, economic, political, and climatic shifts are also predicted to occur. Renowned cosmic scholar Diana Cooper includes a time frame for this massive transition that is anticipated to last until Earth moves fully into the 5th dimensional frequency in 2032. From what to expect to how to prepare, the teachings in this book serve as guidance for the next 20 years, so that people will be able to attune themselves to the spiritual forces that are coming.

She also advises that: The challenge is to stay grounded in the way you integrate the new higher energy of enlightenment and ascension, as we all accelerate in the vision of a fifth dimensional world, (we are currently vibrating at the 3rd and 4th dimensions) there is work needed to raise our vibrations to meet and bring in the higher frequency to help the transition for ourselves and our planet.

About the Author:

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Diana Cooper is a therapist, a healer, and the author of several books, including 2012 and Beyond, The Keys to the Universe, Angel Inspiration, Discover Atlantis, Light Up Your Life, A Little Light on Ascension, A Little Light on Spiritual Laws, A New Light on Angels, and A New Light on Ascension.

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