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Labels are for Spices

Labels are for Spices

By Judi Lynch

One thing I realized early in life was that I didn’t like to be labeled. If someone told me I couldn’t do something, learn something or be something, sometimes I just had to prove that I could. How dare anyone tell me I couldn’t do it or I wasn’t good enough to become that, if that was what my heart was set on? I had to believe that it was my own personal mission that mattered if I wanted to succeed. Why should it be anyone’s business what I wanted to experience and accomplish? I heard the inner guidance saying, yes, you can do this.

We grow up learning to label each other, positive or negative, we learn it early. Our challenges are to unlearn the labels that can bind us and listen to what resonates with our very soul. What truths we follow depend on how deep our connections go. Way beyond faithfully following the rituals of organized religions, your spiritual connections are the root of your being. What you are intuitively born with can be reawakened at any time and we should never judge ourselves or others as to when or how that might occur.

Many of us have issues with the concept of contests. How do we really know that someone or something is the best unless we know about them all? Doesn’t it really represent the best that entered or was entered in the contest? Is it all about the ego to make a contest out of everything? How can one person claim to be the best or the most beautiful or talented unless everyone everywhere has been tested? Does this judging, testing and competition, which also leads to labeling, help us to aspire to be and do more? Or does it make us feel unworthy to try to live out our soul lessons and purposes, mistakenly thinking the bar is set too high?

If we idolize others do we make it seem that what they are doing is unattainable by anyone else? Isn’t it all in our perceptions and attitudes in the realities we manifest and create anyway? We can have great examples set before us to how success is achieved but it is ultimately our own decisions that determine our personal evolvement. We are all unique in how our purposes have been lived out here on Earth and we are all responsible for ourselves. No one has the power to label you in ways that can restrict you or steal your energy without your permission. Keeping your beliefs and conviction strong with your spiritual self helps keep the light energy field strong with protection around you.

When the spiritual bond is strong, there is no question of your purposes and missions. When the connection is weak, you can fall prey to being judged and labeled and never realize the light that lives inside you is infinite and miraculous. Whether it’s dim or its bright is all up to us. You have to believe that you can heal and grow and learn from any situation in your life. People have survived from incredible and life altering situations and lived to tell about it, and so can you. There is nothing you won’t be forgiven for and nothing you cannot heal from. These are our spiritual gifts as light being souls. No matter your age or how hard the life lessons have been, there is always hope. There is always a light on for you somewhere, no matter what.

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Every one of us has the ability to realize the spiritual gifts that heal us mind, body and soul. We only have to understand our worth in the Universe and the unconditional love that is offered to us. We are an interconnected group of individually beautiful souls sent here without labels, limits or boundaries to the miracles we can create alone and together.

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