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Oracle – Connections

Oracle – Connections


Oracle_Darity-Wesley_OM-Timesby Darity Wesley

The energies and directions for the month of February are evolving around paying attention to new and interesting Connections that will be coming in to you.  Connections?  Yes, this is the month of this year of 2012 where you are connecting to your “Right Time-Right Place” in a way you have never recognized before.  Part of the energy of “Connection” is walking your path with an open, broad view of everything before you.  Having an alertness to your surroundings and being available for connection, all without fear, yet with discernment, knowing, without judgment, that this, whatever you are connecting with at the moment, is right for you…..or, this is not right for you from the heart…Read On…

Connection is like the concept of synchronicity in the sense that all things come together to a certain time or location where you know this is a real occurrence and not a coincidence, since there really is no such a thing as coincidence or an accident and, while that may be hard for you to accept, or not, it is a tenant of the spiritual journey of accepting responsibility for your reality.  You can then connect with what comes up about any of it.  Many feel guilty about taking responsibility for their lives:  “Why would I create this reality?”  “I wouldn’t, this is nothing I would want” – but accepting responsibility does not necessarily mean knowing the reason things happen the way they do or feeling bad or guilty about “what is.”  It is important to know there are soul choices that are made and for now, you have right in front of you, in this time and space, options to change things or do something different with what you have in front of you.  This month of February will afford you opportunities to connect to see these choices for real right in front of you and you will know: ”Ah ha! This is one of those connections.”  More and more, as you focus on being connected with the people, places and things you want in your life or to connect so you can finish with it, purge it, love it but eliminate certain people, places and things, you will feel that connection to the right choice to the right time to do such and so or to choose such and so – whatever applies for your life situation as it is right in front of you!

So many times you over think, over analyze, rationalize and pretty much beat things to death in your mind eventually distorting feelings, thought processes and possibilities to fit what you think “should” be so or what others have told you to think or do.  This is a time, in February, of trueness, this is a time of connecting to your own authenticity – who Am I and how do I portray that out to the world.  How do I express my True Self from the heart level.  Openness, connectedness to all living things will bring you more and more to the life you want to experience, the life you want to have as your part in this Great Coming Together, this birth of new thought, new realities and new ways of looking at the world and all that is in it.

People, places and things are all shifting in your life as never before and the connections you make in February will create changes you never dreamed could be your reality.  You must open your eyes wide, dispel the illusions you have carried for so many years, the intellectualizing of everything the over thinking and move toward more connections with your feelings, your knowingness.  When we speak of “feelings” we are not talking of “feelings” as in emotions:  joy, anger, depression, happy, sad, but “feelings” of resonance.  “Ah, this feels good, this flows, this feels right for me.”  Or “This causes resistance, this doesn’t feel right for me.”  What does this kind of discernment, this kind of questioning, mean?  It means you are following your intuition, following your inner guidance which says okay or not okay.  Use this month incorporating the energies of Cooperation from January to Connect in February with the entire overarching energies of Discernment in whatever you are looking at.  Feel it.  Do not resist what is.  It is!  Move on, do what you can, connect where you can. Practice this connection as you move through the month of February.  Much will be revealed.  Ask and you shall receive information as you connect more and more with your True Self, your Divine Connection and the appropriate people, places and things.

You are being urged by this Oracle that as you go with opening to these connections every day, in every way, rather than not paying attention to those connections that are right in front of you, as you go along your path,  you will find another field of consciousness expanding for you, opening up to you to grow further, to engage in those leaps of consciousness not otherwise obtained without solid preparatory work.  Connecting as your spirit reveals, engaging with it, will bring new experiences to further grow your soul journey. This Oracle is here for you to expand this connection to your Spirit by seeing how you resonate which what connects with you and with what you connect with this month.  You are encouraged to nurture this perspective.  It is, indeed, based on your spiritual practices – you only need know it is so, and it is!

So, with your eyes wide open this month of February pay attention to your connections.   Focus on making your Connections work for you in February and it will truly ground you further within the bonds of Divine Love that hold it all together all the time no matter what and so remember…All You Need Is Love…it will sustain you on your journey as you co-create your reality by connecting with new people, new places and new things – our lives are changing in real and positive ways, so stay aware and alert!

Let your mantra for February be:  I AM connecting with what I need and want at the right time and the right place in synchronicity with my Divine Essence.  All is Well In My World…And So It Is!!!


Darity Wesley is the Founder and Chief Spiritual Revivalist at ReviveYourSpirit™ based in San Diego, California. You can contact her at

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© 2011 Darity Wesley All Rights Reserved.

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