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Freedom From Body Memory

Freedom From Body Memory


Freedom From Body Memory: An Interview with Jonathon Tripodi

By Sterling Day

What if there was a way that you could clear your memory bank of old traumas and stressful memories that you have accumulated during a lifetime? All of those sources of anxiety, pain, fatigue, depression, and repetitive life experiences. I recently sat down with Jonathan Tripodi to discuss the secrets of body memory and how the unconscious holds onto the past. A process that Jonathan has spent more than twenty years creating to enrich and empower others.

Sterling:  Your tag line is: “Awaken the courage, to let go of your past”. That is a pretty powerful statement.

Jonathan: “It is not just about the past. It’s hard to find one line to   truly encapsulate everything we do. People think letting go of the past is usually kind of a downer, because you are have to face and let go of things that weren’t so great. I like to highlight more of the freedom that comes with it, after you let go of the past.”

Sterling: How would you describe “Freedom From Body Memory”?

Jonathan: “I would say there are a lot of different ways to describe that process. One way to describe it is that you’re coming out of the survival mode, or survival state, and moving into more of a healing state or more the present moment place. I think people are accustomed to being in survival mode. It starts out really early, and is reinforced over time. You find that your whole life is structured around survival, which is all about fear and control. It’s not just being in control of your outer environment.

It is about being in control of your body, your feelings and your thoughts. That helps you to survive, but it doesn’t really do much for you in terms of healing, transformation, or even energy. It takes so much energy to be in that state. It takes a lot of one’s creative energy away.

Sterling: How does one recognize when we are on “memory” overload?

Jonathon: “You finally get to a point in your life where you really aren’t happy, and are possibly in pain, stressed out, or depressed. You find that those things that you really want are not manifesting. You don’t have the energy for it. That is when being in survival mode has most likely caught up with you. People don’t realize that, because they are so unconscious. If you have been in survival mode for most of your life, how do you know any different? There is a whole awakening that occurs to being in this state. It is a process of not only realizing just how deep those fears go. It is far more than just trying to pay the bills, or staying on top of things when it comes to your family. It is far more internal. At the depth of your being, you are afraid. That is the state you are emanating from. Your core feeling that drives your behavior. It is everything you do, or don’t do. Everything you say, or don’t say is somehow coming out of this core feeling of being afraid.”

Sterling: How would you describe the work that you do?

Jonathon: “The work I do is to help people to reconnect with themselves and their bodies, in particular. Part of what happens while being in survival mode is the disconnection of your awareness from your brain. You relocate your awareness to your thoughts. So, you find that your reality revolves around what you think. That is a safe place to be, if how you feel is overwhelming. Part of the process that I assist with is coming out of your head and back into your body. Your body is where you experience feelings, motion, and sensation. People may have an injury or trauma that brought them to heightened states of emotion that was overwhelming. What then happens is that one shuts down to that, and goes in his head. That whole process of awakening is by reconnecting to your body, and reconnecting with your feelings. You may not even feel like you are afraid, until somebody actually places his hand on that part of you that you disconnected from. Part of the process is touch, connection, quieting a person’s mind, and helping them get the information they have stored in their body. It discovers the fears they hold in those places of their body, and the fears they set intentions from. This comes from an elimination process. After you encounter the fears, which usually come in the form of tension. These are tensions that just won’t go away. They are constant, even when you sleep.  Minor relief can come from exercise, stretching, or massage. What drives these tensions in your body, and keeps them alive? What I discovered is that the source of these tensions is fear. Fear of things that have happened in the past. The protection mode has to be deactivated,  to release this information from your body. To do that, one must face fears. It is the process of going through the body, connecting with the tension, and fear behind the tension, opening to that fear, and getting in touch with it. This is where it gets really interesting. Now the very essence of the experience that you are afraid of, now comes out of storage, or suppressed state, and comes into a more conscious state. It then allows energy to recirculate through the body. You will feel the sensations and emotions of the events that brought you the fear. For example: You may experience sensations or emotions from a surgery or injury. In addition, one could experience emotions associated with loss and separation from family. Forms of abuse show themselves. People ask themselves why they would want to relive any of that. The real reason you want to take this journey is to encounter the part of you that is fearless. There IS a part of our nature that isn’t afraid. We lose touch with that part. It is vital to get reconnected to our fearlessness. You not only overcome the fear of things that have occurred in your past, you overcome the fear of life itself. You realize that no matter what life presents, you become aware of your ability to experience it. You can move through it, learn, and grow from it. You survived your past and heal from it, and by facing all of the negative programing and transforming it, you can master your fears with more confidence. Essentially, there is a whole shift in identity that occurs. It is quite powerful to watch people come out of a helpless, disempowered place, and transform it into a place of vitality, confidence, assertiveness, and joy to have their energy back.

Sterling: The idea of liberating one’s self from fears of the past is profound in itself. Are there other benefits from taking this journey within?

Jonathon: “Besides the benefits of liberation from fears, you get to feel love in its purest form run from your heart throughout your body. It is not love” if. “It is love period. Love is one of the best parts of being human. And yet, the heart is the first thing that gets wounded for most of us and shuts down. Which is why it is easier to love others, than to love ourselves. This beautiful, amazing thing about us as humans is the capacity to love. Without love, our body really withers. If we don’t have love in our lives, we are dying. And then, there is spirit. We feel that life energy. it permeates us, and extends even beyond our bodies. We experience spirit energy of others, now that the heart is more open. We feel the connection to another. You take the heart and the spirit combined, doesn’t get much better than that! ”

Sterling: How was “Freedom from Body Memory” born?

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Jonathon: “I have written a book also titled “Freedom From Body Memory“. I call the first third of the book my awakening. A synopsis of events that occurred in my childhood that was emotionally or physically traumatic. At the age of twenty-one, I developed a blood clot in my leg. That initial blood clot incident was dismissed as a fluke. Six months later, they found massive blood clotting in my leg, which put me down for about eight months. I ended up at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota. Nobody knew why I was clotting. Because of the massive clotting, the main channel of blood flow in my body was being destroyed. The damage was considered substantial enough to be called a degenerative condition, which would only worsen. The chance of clotting again was very high. Blood clots can be fatal. They can go to your brain, your lungs, or  your heart. I actually had one go to my lung, and it was nasty. I left Mayo clinic without anyone being able to tell me what caused this. They were projecting over years; my veins would be varicose due to irregular circulation and being over pumped with blood, and shut down. I was told that I would have to have my leg amputated. Also, I would have to stay on blood thinners for the rest of my life. During that time, I was introduced to body work.  It was the beginning for me to be able to heal myself. As memory from my past was released, the substantial swelling in my leg was gradually reduced until the swelling was completely gone. I am forty-four. This happened at twenty-two. Fourteen years ago, I was supposed to have an amputation. I do not have any varicose veins. You look at one leg, and then the other. They are exactly the same. I am healed. I discovered through this healing process, the powerful influence suppressed memory has on the body. Also, how it affects every system in the body. It affects your muscles, circulation, nerves, and organs. It shows up in a silent way, which may not show up on x-rays or lab tests. Once you release, you can watch the body return and function normally.”

“Freedom From Body Memory” can be a very effective alternative to healing and transformation. Our needless struggles, in addition to our transitional health care system is forcing us to become more in tune with our bodies. We can learn to resolve the source of what ails us and holds us back, rather than medicate the symptoms. We can save ourselves, and LIVE!!

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Learn more about Jonathon Tripodi and private sessions, schedule retreats, and buy his book: “Freedom From Body Memory” at:

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