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How Does Your Garden Grow? Nicely, Thank You

How Does Your Garden Grow? Nicely, Thank You

Astro-Outlook for March & April 2012

By Kathy Biehl

It’s been an odd year astrologically. The skies have made time move at unpredictable and changing paces — sometimes furiously quick, sometimes backward, sometimes not at all.  It’s as if you are in a boat without oars, a wheel or a rudder (at least, that you can reach).

Every now and again, a huge sense of urgency has erupted and set off a flurry of activity. That’s been heavy on reorganizing, reworking and rethinking, though. When a new opportunity or sign of progress has popped up, it is required scads of foundation pieces before you can reach for it.

Take heart: March and April will show you that you haven’t just been floating and meandering aimlessly, much less wasting time and effort.

All that prep work you’ve been doing finally starts paying off, visibly.  There’s still is fine-tuning to do, of course. And the first flush of blossoms may not be as big and full as you ultimately wish. Still, the point of your striving — and the direction you’re heading will become clearer and clearer.

The payoff and clarity come from a round robin of energy flowing freely through the earth signs. One planet is hanging out in each of these signs, forming an energetic triangle known as a grand trine, or ground trine as I’ve been calling it.  Earth energy is the slowest in the zodiac, and these three planets — Jupiter in Taurus, Mars in Virgo and Pluto in Capricorn — have added to the painstaking, incremental, delay-ridden pace by creeping along themselves.

That changes now. Mid-March, they tighten up their connection and speed the growth process for matters that have been in the works since June, and possibly longer.

Think about what has been drawing your attention, again and again, since June. That’s when Jupiter, the planet of expansion, entered Taurus.  He¹s moved three times over a very small patch of that sign, as if injecting the ground with a cosmic Miracle-Gro. That nourishment went down deep in July and November, when Jupiter linked with Pluto, the lord of death and rebirth, who transforms everything he touches.

What shifted broke apart or clarified in those two months — what was refocused, pruned back, cleared out, simplified?  The process affected the very foundation of your life in some way. That’s because Pluto is in Capricorn, which rules long-term security, family and tribal connections and other basic structures.  There was a difference in how this connection influenced you in each of these two months, however.

In November, Jupiter and Pluto gained the cooperation of Mars, ruler of action and motivation. When he moved into the analytic and perfecting sign of Virgo and began encouraging taking matters apart down to the nano-level.

Can’t put your finger on what this has meant for you? Think of your life as a garden. You’ve been clearing out debris, weeds and invader plants. Trimming away dying or diseased limbs. Pruning back branches and vines to force even greater growth, eventually, in what remains.

Rethinking the layout of the garden, or the nature of the plants in it, or adding plants that you can use or eat. Building a fence around it to keep out animals or to clearly mark the boundary between your property and someone else’s. The metaphor fits, doesn’t it?

Whatever the garden represents for you, it has not turned out to be something you could prepare for winter and let sit till spring.

Instead, we¹re all had been in a tinkering and clean-up mode for most of this year. Mars has been retrograde — appearing to move backward — since the end of January, which has given all of us the chance for a do-over.

This has been — and continues to be — an optimal time for getting your life in order.  Clean and repair your tools and put them in a convenient place, ready for you to grab them on a moment’s notice later this spring. Clean and organize your daily environment so that is it efficient and supports you. Rethink how and where you put your energy and reorganize the structure of your schedule as well.

Appropriate boundaries and healthy choices are watchwords for this process.

In mid-March, Jupiter, Pluto and Mars lock their connection into place exactly for one final time. We will have another round of refocusing, cutting away, and clarifying….and then comes the flourishing.  As March begins, think consciously about what you do and don’t want in your environment, your schedule and your life. Clean out your metaphoric garden one more time. You are firming up your own patch of stable ground — the place that will support you when Pluto clashes with the other cosmic change agent, Uranus, and shock waves hit in June and September.

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The further we get into March, the more easily we will see a point behind what we’ve been doing since last summer. And then the pace picks up. Life will start hopping after the first day of spring, and even more so by the middle of April. At the end of March, Jupiter finally leaves that little stretch of Taurus he is been cultivating and zooms through the remaining two-thirds of the sign, which he will leave in June. Mid-April, Mars goes direct and life will resume a semblance of recognizable forward motion. He’ll keep the purifying potential of his teamwork with Jupiter and Pluto going until mid-May, when he clears the degree of the ground trine.

In the meantime, Mars revisiting vibe gets an assist from March 12- April 4, when Mercury, the planet that rules communication and transportation, is retrograde as well. Look for more opportunities to investigate, revisit, rethink and reorganize old business during that time. Put off, as much as you can, launching new projects, entering into major agreements or buying big-ticket items. An important detail will likely not be what you think it is.

Not to worry. There will be plenty to do right in front of you.

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