Harnessing our Natural Ability to Change
by Olivia Roberts
Author of Chronic Pain and Debilitating Conditions Resolution
Resolution Magic is an unusual collection of mental exercises that slowly begins to create gaps in chronic symptoms, which reduce in intensity and duration until they often completely disappear. Over the years since I began in 2004, many different symptoms and conditions have responded to this program. The condition or symptom seems almost irrelevant; the same process has worked for symptoms as different as migraine, blushing, rhinitis, indigestion, depression and off-the-scale searing chronic pain. How can one process work for so many different ailments?
I began to ask myself this question as the book I have just written was drawing to a close. What explanation could there be? The answer came in a series of unrelated events.
My two-year-old grandson was trying to wink one day, and as I thought about it, I marveled at the fact that he simply has to keep on trying, and one day, he will do it. He doesn’t have to work out which muscles to switch on and switch off. He just has to keep on making the request to his subconscious, and his subconscious will do the work, and provide the facility.
I continued this train of thought, remembering when I learned to ride a bicycle. I had no idea how anyone could logically ride a bicycle, but other people could do it, so I assumed that I could too. I was so surprised when I kept falling off. I just kept on trying until one day, I did it, but to this day, I couldn’t tell anyone else exactly how to ride a bicycle, they would have to leave it to their subconscious to work it out too.
At least I knew that it could be done. Before Roger Bannister ran the four minute mile in 1954, he didn’t know that it was possible. He simply kept on pushing himself through agonizing physical stress until he achieved this. In the following years, many other people beat the four-minute mile. It must have been so much easier when someone else had shown it could be done.
It seems that the secret of success is not only repeated requests to the subconscious, but sheer determination through adversity. Athletes speak of the ‘pain barrier’ they force themselves through to beat former records. With this type of determination, many strange feats have been achieved. There are divers who can hold their breath for nine minutes beneath the water. There are pearl divers whose eyes can see more clearly underwater because the pupils of their eyes do not dilate as the light dims beneath the sea. Many fishermen working regularly in icy waters can work with bare hands that remain warm without gloves. Even more astonishingly, a few people, like Lewis Pugh, have trained themselves to swim for half-an-hour or more in the polar sea at temperatures which would kill the rest of us in just a few minutes.
All of these people are witnessing changes in their physical body which have been made as a result of their persistence. And not one of them could explain how these changes were made.
What is so surprising is the speed at which these changes have happened. We can accept that changes can take place over millennia and that creatures evolve in many amazing ways over time. The humble amoeba may become a mammoth given a few billion years! Studies of birds have shown that change can happen more quickly. Birds can change in about seven generations to adapt for changing environmental conditions.
Could it be possible that Resolution Magic works because it is simply utilizing our natural ability to change? In the Resolution Magic program, the subconscious is given a command, which is repeated assertively, and then the subconscious is left to get on with the work.
Many alternative therapy processes rely on the belief that the process will work but Resolution Magic relies on no such belief. It is simply a retraining process. You can believe that the process will definitely not work, and it will still work.
The retraining process of Resolution Magic involves three areas of work; reducing present-day anxiety, changing the effects of past experiences, and regulating the electrical currents of the body. It’s quite a tall order, but there is plenty of time; the program takes place over months of step-by-step tuition.
Typically, someone with severe migraine, perhaps having more than 10 attacks a month, will take 12 months to reduce their migraine to mild headaches appearing perhaps once a month. Further work will continue to reduce them until they disappear completely. The program is only activated when symptoms are present, so monthly migraine sufferers will see from keeping a chart that their migraine will reduce by 20-50% each time it reappears. When symptoms are present, the mental exercise routines are done for half a minute every two hours. Progress is not compromised when the frequency of the sessions is disrupted.
The program has a number of mental exercises to reduce present-day anxiety. Some amazingly simple mental exercises gradually stop worriers from worrying, and help people to switch off and sleep at night. The same mental exercise can help people to stop being over-sensitive, and over-analyzing every conversation. It can also help people to make any unwanted feeling disappear from any situation, especially useful for exams, presentations and interviews. It also reduces irritability, and can make changes for people who become angry about queues, other drivers on the road, or the noise from neighbors, traffic or overhead airplanes.
It can help people change so that they no longer feel overwhelmed when a pile of ironing or paperwork begins to build up. In fact it can help people to cope with everyday situations, so that they can enjoy every moment of every day.
Another area of work in Resolution Magic changes the effects of past experiences. All of our past experiences are stored as if in ‘memory-boxes’, and inside each one there is a video with a sound track, and strangely, a feelings track. It is this ‘feelings track’ that can affect us for the rest of our lives, without any conscious awareness of its origin. Let me explain: –
The feelings track is similar to the sound effects in a movie. Imagine watching a horror movie, and listening to the music that accompanies it. Almost without watching the screen, you will know when the ghost has appeared! Compare this to the sound track in a comedy film, and you will understand what I mean. The sound track gives you ‘a feeling’ in the same way as your past experiences do, whenever you remember them.
When you think of a sad time in your past, within a few moments, you can usually begin to feel the sadness of that time. Similarly when you remember especially happy times in your life, you can feel your spirits lift. You can sometimes even begin to giggle when you think of a recent funny event.
These memories also affect you when you are not thinking about them. Whenever you are in any situation (or even thinking about one), all of the memory-boxes that are related to that situation open. For a fraction of a second, the memory opens – just long enough for a snapshot of the feeling track to escape. Without any conscious awareness of the origin of the feeling, there is a change in mood.
For instance, if you saw a blue lorry pass by, all of your memory-boxes of the color blue, and of lorries, will open. This may include the memory of when you were given a blue balloon when you were at a party when you were six years old. It could include the time you wore a blue shirt when you went out on your first date when you were fifteen, or the memory of your first blue car when you were seventeen.
Additionally, all of the memory-boxes pertaining to a lorry will open – for example the time you went right up to a fire engine that had come to your school yard. The time you walked past a lorry in a car park, when its engine backfired and startled you. The time you pulled out of a side-road into the path of an on-coming lorry.
None of these memories appear clearly to you, because as you walk on down the street, a crescendo of other memory-boxes are opening and closing, and each one of them is open for just a fraction of a second. Each one releases just a puff of the feelings it contains. The feelings of joy, excitement, sudden fright and absolute terror of the memory-boxes that opened when you saw the blue balloon will influence you fleetingly as you walk on. All of the feelings from a number of memory-boxes blend and give us the benefit of all of our experience in a fraction of a second.
Past experiences can influence us forever, especially when they happen in our formative years. For instance, a time when a parent scolded a small child who had scribbled on a wall; the time a school teacher derided a child when he was afraid to read out loud in front of the class; the time a child was deflated by lack of praise after trying something new, the time a child was terrified by a spelling test. Imagine having a host of memory-boxes like these opening every time you begin to read or write. This is, I believe, the root cause of dyslexia.
Past experiences from any age, especially those containing fear, pain humiliation or sadness, can greatly influence us. Resolution Magic had special techniques to change the feelings track when past experiences contain pain, especially when it is combined with fear, as in childbirth. This is often one of the contributory factors of post-natal depression. Fear of dentistry can also be founded in painful memories.
Working with present-day feelings and the effects of past experiences are important components of the program, but the most important of all, is the work that is done with the central nervous system. I believe the nervous system causes physical and psychological symptoms. Here is my rationale, my own theory – the Theory of Neurological Wave Syndrome.
Clinical research has discovered that migraine attacks begin with a wave of neurological activity. When I first heard this, I was working as a pharmaceutical representative, promoting drugs for migraine. I had no idea what this really meant. I just assumed that a trickle of electricity was observed at some time before the migraine attack begun. This began a thread of rationale, which led to my surprising theory.
For many years I had assumed that I was ‘unusual’ in having a way of sending any symptom away by simply using my own special mental exercises. In 2004, when I began to help others to use Resolution Magic mental exercises to reduce their symptoms of migraine, pain and chronic fatigue, I was thrilled that it worked for other people too.
People began to use the process for other symptoms, like vertigo, sinusitis and earache, and these symptoms disappeared too. Even more surprising, psychological symptoms like depression and panic attacks also disappeared. People began to try the program on absolutely everything. I used it for my Reynaud’s Disease (where the fingers go white in the cold) and hay-fever. The program continued to evolve, and I continued to wonder why the same process was working for so many different symptoms. The most significant break-through came when I discovered some words written in a book in someone else’s house.
It was a medical book about common ailments, and I noticed it had a chapter about Irritable Bowel Syndrome. I had suffered from IBS for many years, especially when I became tired or upset. Half-way down the first page in the book, I saw the words, ‘IBS begins with a wave of neurological activity’. I could have fallen off my seat. I was so shocked. I had never promoted an IBS drug so I had not seen this observation of IBS research.
My mind scrambled into action. If both IBS and migraine begin with a wave of neurological activity, perhaps the Resolution Magic program would work for my IBS too. I couldn’t wait to try it. In those days I often used to get up in the night and write articles, or my book, for a couple of hours, and then go back to bed. Every time I did this, I would have an IBS episode. It would begin with a sharp pain in one place in my abdomen, always the same place, and then after about ten minutes I would have to dash to the bathroom.
The next time I found myself typing away at my computer in the middle of the night, I felt the sharp pain. I didn’t change my position; I just did a 30-second mental routine, and then continued typing. The pain instantly disappeared. There were no further symptoms – I didn’t have to dash to the bathroom. I was amazed, but I couldn’t be sure of what I had just experienced. I repeated this a second night, and then I asked a number of clients to try it. Many of my migraine/chronic fatigue/pain clients also had IBS, just like me. It wasn’t long before they reported back that it was working for them too.
This is what made me realize that the cause of the symptoms was the wave of neurological activity. This was no trickle of electricity – it was a blast of electricity, and it could not only travel to the head to cause migraine, or to the bowel to cause IBS, it could also travel along any nerve in the body and cause a wide variety of symptoms depending upon where it was discharged.
This also explained why Resolution Magic worked for so many different symptoms. They were all caused by the same thing – blasts of electricity fired off along a neural pathway. Wherever the nerve terminated, the electrical charge could ‘singe’ the tissue, causing a number of different reactions. Discharging electricity near a muscle in the back would cause the muscle to contract, and result in backache. It could end up near a joint and cause pain, inflammation and even deterioration, the symptoms of arthritis. It could affect the ears causing earache, tinnitus, or vertigo. It could cause sinusitis, bladder cystitis, knee pain, rhinitis, sciatica, and a host of complaints, including various forms of neuralgia.
I believe that the basic program of Resolution Magic commands the subconscious to make corrections and changes to the body so that unwanted symptoms can disappear. The subconscious is responsible for the instigation of neurological waves, and has it in its power to work out how to turn them off. The supporting work in changing unwanted feelings and the effects of past experiences complete the Resolution Magic program.
To learn more or to purchase the book, Chronic Pain and Debilitating Conditions Resolution, click on the book cover or visit: Findhorn Press.
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Olivia Roberts GQHP MPNLP, Master NLP Practitioner, Resolution Magic Master Practitioner and alternative pain specialist graduated in 2002 from the prestigious Dominic Beirne School of Psychotherapy (founded 1995) in Stratford-upon-Avon. Olivia Roberts is a speaker, author and creator of the Resolution Magic programs.
Resolution Magic is a number of programs that reduce physical symptoms and unwanted feelings until they disappear by using a collection of ingenious mental exercises. Olivia’s unique system retrains the way the body and mind work, so that unwanted feelings or physical symptoms gradually reduce, and often completely disappear.
Resolution Magic was developed as a result of Olivia’s experiences 25 years ago when she was debilitated by migraine, chronic fatigue and Irritable Bowel Syndrome until she discovered a mental exercise routine that made her symptoms disappear.
Olivia returned to normal life, studied science, and then began to work in the field of pharmaceuticals where she learned about conventional medical treatments and research. In 2002-2003, Olivia studied psychotherapy and this became the pathway to developing the Resolution Magic programs based on her own discovery. Olivia’s Resolution Magic has now treated hundreds of people throughout the UK and she is also now training Resolution Magic practitioners.
Website: www.resolutionmagic.com

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