A Mindful Nation
by Congressman Tim Ryan

“Mindfulness is being aware, attentive, and conscious of the present moment, and calmly acknowledging and accepting your emotions and feelings about the moment, while attending to the activity or task at hand. How we pay attention, and what we pay attention to, can lead to significant changes in our lives.”
~ Congressman Tim Ryan
Mindfulness is a powerful practice for mind and body used by Marines in training, top athletes competing internationally, CEOs in the boardroom, counselors of at-risk kids, school children learning to read, veterans healing from trauma, and health care workers in cancer clinics. Everyone can do it, and it changes everything.
Now, Congressman Tim Ryan — an optimistic, inspiring, and hopeful voice in Washington, D.C. — wants you to have access to the empowering and life-changing benefits of mindfulness, too. In A MINDFUL NATION: How a Simple Practice Can Help Us Reduce Stress, Improve Performance, and Recapture the American Spirit, with a foreword by Jon Kabat-Zinn, Congressman Tim Ryan shares the proven effects of mindfulness. He shows how this natural capability of our brains is revitalizing every sector of our society, and how it can help you — and our nation — every day.
In A MINDFUL NATION, Ryan brings together the timeless practice of mindfulness and the core American values of self-reliance, determination, and getting the job done. He presents a new way of meeting challenges: slowing down, paying deeper attention, and attaining a fresh awareness of our inner resources. Offering powerful stories from the field, he describes how mindfulness practice can help children be educated to be competitive in the world arena, business managers reshape our economy, first responders build resiliency, families develop parenting skills, and medical practitioners enhance our health care system.
In A MINDFUL NATION, Congressman Tim Ryan explains how a mindful nation is more able to marshal its best ideas to reinvigorate the American dream and restore our economy and communities. His clear-eyed understanding of the challenges we face combined with his optimistic vision for what we can do, right here and right now, make for a compelling and thought-provoking vision of a way forward for America.
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Congressman Tim Ryan was first elected to the U.S. House of Representatives at the age of 29, and is currently serving in his fifth term representing northeast Ohio. He is a member of the House Armed Services Committee and its Subcommittees on Readiness and on Emerging Threats and Capabilities, a member of the House Budget Committee, and co-chairman of the Congressional Manufacturing Caucus. Keeping a daily mindfulness meditation practice, during his tenure in the House, Congressman Ryan has helped to get mindfulness and social and emotional learning programs established in several schools in his district and spearheaded a medical school conference on Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction.

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