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Diana Cooper – Ushering in the Golden Age

Diana Cooper – Ushering in the Golden Age

Diana Cooper

OM Times Magazine Exclusive Interview

by Karen M. Rider

Diana CooperIt’s not often you’ll meet a Seer who also has a zip line, trampoline and tire swing in her backyard. Diana Cooper, author of 20 spiritual books for adults as well as a series for children, radiates a rare combination of luminosity, grounded being and exuberance in her well-known teachings on angels, orbs, Atlantis, ascension and worldwide forecasts on the New Golden Age-2032. Her books for youngsters aim to empower and enchant children in the discovery of who they are and their place in an oftentimes confusing “grown-up world.” Perhaps, that is a lesson for people, young and old, living in these emotionally and economically challenging times of 2012. Diana teaches, “2012 offers us the greatest opportunity for the growth of the soul than has ever been in the history of humanity.” Her aim is to help children and adults ready themselves for the cosmic shift to the Golden Age. Diana’s aim and vision is to light the way to enable children, adults and the planet to ascend graciously and happily.

Like many visionaries, this mother of three grown children and five grandchildren came to her life’s purpose through a time of personal crisis. Describing her life path as “long and challenging,” Diana admits that she “her family offered no spiritual or religious background and was, in fact, materially orientated.” Her first angelic encounter occurred while she was in the midst of getting divorced and had been feeling “totally unsupported and desperately scared.” Feeling like she was living the role of “total victim,” she recalls the day she threw herself into a chair and said” ‘If there’s anything out there, show me and you have one hour.’ (She was going out an hour later, hence the deadline!) Diana never expected the experience that came next:

“A beautiful golden angel, about six foot tall stood in front of me and pulled me out of my body. We flew together and I was shown my future as a spiritual teacher standing on a platform talking to huge audiences. The angel brought me back exactly an hour later. I was somewhat in shock. That was my life changing event.”

Since then, Diana has dedicated her life to working through the Spiritual Masters who have taught her about the angelic realms, unicorns, fairies, Atlantis and orbs as well as many other spiritual subjects. Through books, CD’s and card sets, Diana teaches people to access their psychic potential and connects with their own Guides, Guardian Angels and other spiritual entities. She teaches seminars worldwide and is the Principal of The Diana Cooper School, a not for profit organization which offers certificated spiritual teaching courses throughout the world.

Diana took some time from preparing for her U.S. Tour to chat with Om Times about spiritual prediction for the Golden Age, ascension, her personal Guides and spiritual practices, unicorns, and fostering spiritual wisdom in children—and having fun on that zip wire.

Omtimes:  Of all the experiences you have had, which do consider most profound in your work with the many Energies that you have encountered and written about so eloquently?

Diana:  This is a difficult question for I have been blessed with so many experiences.  A recent one was quite awesome.  I was feeling very upset about something most unfair that had been said [to me].  It kept churning in my mind; I knew it was holding my energy down.  So I walked to my local forest and asked the nature kingdom to transmute the painful feelings. Almost at once I felt a fairy on my shoulder and heard her singing my name. I was surrounded by elementals singing ‘Diana’ with great love. Then angels surrounded me and sang my name with them. Finally, I could see a unicorn above pouring light down on me. When they finished I thanked them with my heart warm and brimming with love.  When I left the forest I could not even remember what the pain was about!

Omtimes:  I’ve not read much in the New Age literature about Unicorns, though they have always fascinated me; had a collection of twelve unicorn figurines as a child. My six-year-old daughter has the only one that is left from the collection. Can you share a little bit about your encounter with these creatures and what they have to teach us?

Diana:  I was sitting in my garden one day when I became aware of a high-frequency white energy behind me. I knew it was not an angel. I realised it was a unicorn. Unicorns are the purest of the pure, seventh dimensional beings of the angelic realms. Everyone was connected to his or her unicorn during the Golden Age of Atlantis but they withdrew when Atlantis fell. At last, we have raised our frequency so that they can return to help us.

They work with the desires of our soul whereas angels work with the wishes of our hearts.  As soon as a light goes on above your head to say that you want to serve humanity, your community or something beyond yourself, your unicorn will connect with you.  They give you the dignity, light, joy and power to fulfil your vision. In my book, The Wonder of Unicorns I tell many stories of unicorn encounters and just how they are helping us prepare for the new Golden Age.

Omtimes:  Let’s talk soul desires and heart wishes for a moment. I’m inclined to believe that, energetically, these are actually one in the same. If not, my next inclination would be to associate soul wishes with angelic guides, heart wishes with other guides, like the unicorn.

Diana:  You may have a heartfelt wish that lights you up [inside] when you think of it; you can ask the angels to help you to bring this into your life. However, your soul carries the wisdom and experiences of all your lives and is very high frequency. In order to incarnate at the current time, your soul must be at least seventh dimensional. You then step down into lower frequencies when you incarnate. The unicorns work with the seventh to ninth dimensional frequencies and so try to bring about that which satisfies the highest and purest visions of your soul.

Omtimes:  Do you have a particularly strong connection with one Guide over another?

Diana:  My main Guide is Kumeka.  He is Master of the 8th Ray and is helping to bring the planet to enlightenment.  He is also my twin flame* and I have a very strong connection with him.  He has never incarnated so he does not know what it is like to have a physical body.

Omtimes:  Let’s clarify what Twin Flame means, because it is very easy to think only of the romantic love “soul mate.”

Diana:  Your twin flame is your original divine spark, your I AM, which divided in two parts. It is your exact divine counterpart and twin flames rarely meet in a lifetime for they are so complete together that there is no [need for] growth. Your soul mate is someone on your soul vibration.

Omtimes:  What are your favorite spiritual or healing practices to keep yourself “in tune”?

Diana:  I like to walk in the forest or on the beach with my dog; I find this very cleansing. While walking, I connect with the elementals, make affirmations and call in angels and higher energies and send them to other places. Whenever possible I stand barefoot in the grass to ground myself and to help me stay in tune.

Every morning and night I ask Archangel Michael for protection. I call in the love, wisdom, healing and protection of the Gold Ray of Christ three times. Next, I ask Sandalphon to place his fifth dimensional bubble around me. I send these energies to others too and spend some time in silence.

I go to a Dru yoga class.

Omtimes:  And, what about those zip lines?

Diana:  Fun is very important. I have five grandchildren and I love to build camps or play games with them. In my garden there is a zip wire, trampoline, tyre on a rope, swings and lots of other fun things for them (and me).

Omtimes:  Speaking of youngsters. During the recent Easter holiday, my daughter, who is six, overheard a boy, just a few years older than her, ask his mother “If Jesus is risen and among us at Easter and all the other days of the year, then why is my Daddy still fighting in Afghanistan?”  The Mother whispered something we could not hear. A moment later, my daughter tugged my sleeve and whispered, “I know the answer to that boy’s question. Those people still fighting aren’t really listening to Jesus’s words. So Jesus can’t be in their hearts if they won’t open their ears.”

Hmmm…. We could substitute the name of “Jesus” with “Spirit/Love/god/dess.” My question to you is this:  What is the best way to respond to these profound questions from the mouths of babes – so wise beyond their years?

Diana:  We have reached the end of a 260,000-year cosmic era and are about to go through a twenty-year transition to the new Golden Age. In preparation for this many wise and pure souls have incarnated.  They may be in children’s bodies but their souls carry much wisdom.

Omtimes:  As a conscious parent, I can appreciate that we need to pay closer attention to the wisdom of our children. I am also very aware that, sometimes, we grown-ups become easily immersed in the daily grind (or drama of the day).

Diana:  Throughout the Tara books and CD’s I embed suggestions that will help parents to listen to their children using empathy, naming exactly what positive things you notice the child has done rather than generalizing, positive feedback and other “good” things. These [activities] all remind adults that their children do have amazing intuition and wisdom. There is an excellent book called How to Talk so Kids will Listen and Listen so Kids will Talk by Elaine Mazlich, which I recommend.

Omtimes:  When you write for children, what is the intention for learning that you set for each book or for a series of books? Suggest a few tips for parents who may want to use your books to nurture spiritual understanding in their children?

See Also

Diana:  Many children have difficulty grounding and understanding life here on this dense planet.  When I started to write the Tara and her Magical Talking Kitten series I wanted to find a way to make life easier for them and most important, to empower them.

The main character, Tara has difficulty making friends, says the wrong thing, can be rude without intending to be and is very sensitive. She is given a little grey kitten called Ash-ting who can communicate with her. He tells her what to say and do and helps her to understand her parents and other grown ups and children. Then they learn about elementals, what they do and how to work together to help the world. She is introduced to angels, unicorns and mermaids and they find ways to deal with bullying, bring neighbours together, heal the oceans, help animals and many other things.

There are many discussion points in these books.

When parents read the books with their children, it is an opportunity to listen and allow the children to open up about what they see or feel or experience. This may be about the spiritual realms or about bullying or stealing or inappropriate behaviour in adults. Help your child to understand they have a guardian angel that always loves them no matter how good they are or what they do. This helps their confidence and self-worth.

Omtimes:  I noticed on your website in the Angels section that you note “Angels do not have free will. Their will is the Will of the Divine/G_d.” I have read the opposite of this:  Angels are tasked to carry out the Will of the Divine but they do have free choice. After all, it was Lucifer’s choice to turn away from Divine Will and go his own way. Many angels followed him. How do we reconcile these two different philosophies of the free will of angels?

Diana:  As I understand it the desire of angels is to do the Divine Will. Lucifer was asked to support the lower frequencies and agreed to do so, throwing himself into the task.  He got drawn into the lower energies and as the planet moves into the fifth dimension he will find his way back.

Omtimes:  The moment a prediction is made, it empowers the person who reads it or receives it to make choices that may actually alter the prediction— thus rendering it “false.” I realize your latest book on the Transition to the Golden Age of 2032 conveys spiritual forecasts. What would you like readers to understand about these types of predictions? What are some ways a person can test the validity of a prediction for themselves before they act upon it?

Diana:  I say, in the Transition to the Golden Age of 2032, that a prediction is based on the probabilities evident of the current consciousness.  We have the power to change it.  If a prediction excites you and fills you with joy, then you know that this is a possibility that you can empower by energising it. If you dislike a prediction, you can raise your consciousness and attract something better into your life.

Omtimes:  Ascension — is this the same as “enlightenment” or does it hold a different meaning?

Diana:  Enlightenment is a function of the third eye, which expands our understanding of the universe. Ascension is a function of the heart and Stellar Gateway in which we embrace our divinity and become one with All That Is.

Omtimes:  The world has written a very dirty laundry list in recent years. Personally, I avoid the nightly news as often as I can because it is too painful to take in. Like many other seekers, I want to usher in change— movement away from the detritus that afflicts humanity. What is the next step every person can take to encourage the transition to the Golden Age?

Diana:  Whatever we focus on we energise, which is why it is preferable to avoid the evening news full of doom and conflict.  The best thing we can do is focus on the vision of the Golden Age.  Envision people and countries co-operating, picture abundance for all, and see a world at peace. Make a clear decision to be and to live with fifth dimensional energy. At the cosmic moment on 21st December wondrous energies will become available to help you on your ascension path.  If you are ready, you can move into higher ascension and true happiness. The time is NOW.

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