Do You Need a Bigger Hammer?
by Cristina Smith
Sometimes we are so busy being the hammer or the anvil, that we forget who really needs the shaping. ~Neal Maxwell
The question most associated with a hammer is whether you are the hammer or the nail. That question is a good one in many circumstances. It is often a metaphor for whether you are making conscious choices or allowing yourself to being acted upon in your life. Both ways of being are fine, as long as you have decided that this time you are just going to relax and allow others to be in charge or that it is your turn to be the leader on this project.
There is a different way to look at the proverbial hammer. That is as an attention getter. The hammer generally comes out when important parts of yourself are out of contact with each other. Most often the disconnect is between your head and your body. Sometime the small hammer looks like dropping things several times over the course of a couple of weeks. Or it could present itself when you are preparing food and the knife slips, slicing a bit of your hand. Ouch! That hurts. Have you ever thought of these incidents as a communication from the universe to you? That maybe you are not as fully present as you could be in the moment?
The messages start off subtly so let’s take this a little farther. It is a month later and your cut has healed. This week however, you run your knee into the corner of the end table. It hurts for several days and you aren’t quite walking right. One of your eyes is puffy and irritated for no reason. You have been focusing on a huge project at work or at home and haven’t taken any time to recharge yourself. It is annoying to have to slow down due to your knee and stop for a few minutes to take care of your eye. It is quite bothersome that your eye feels strained much sooner than normal due to its condition. You have to stop looking at your computer sooner or suffer more irritating eye strain if you keep on pushing yourself those extra couple of hours.
Another circumstance may be that you are involved in a life shifting emotional event that is taking most of your attention most of the time. All of a sudden for no reason, your lower back starts hurting and you start getting headaches. Do you see the trend? These physical conditions are messages from your body and your subconscious mind that you need to stop and take care of yourself. The more impossible sounding that is based on your hectic schedule, the more necessary it is. You are communicating with yourself that it is time to take some time to recover your body and regroup your energy.
You really didn’t have the time to take an afternoon off even though you knew you should. A couple of weeks later, you get sick for no reason. You are forced to spend a day in bed. You do so unwillingly, working the whole time. Then perhaps the next month, you experience symptoms from one of your organs, most often your stomach, gall bladder or intestines that finally get your attention. You have to stop what you are doing because you feel so lousy. You make an appointment with your health care practitioner. The hammer is finally big enough for you take care of yourself.
How can you learn how to hear the subtle tap on the shoulder and not need the big hammer? First of all, pay attention to how you are spending your time and energy. Are you applying most of your effort to one aspect of your life over all others? If so, schedule a morning or afternoon off away from your electronic devices every week. Take a long walk or a hike; go to a museum or movie. Go out and do something fun with your kids, partner or friend. Take a nap and/or a long bath. That short amount of time will do wonders for your health and enhance the spiritual, mental, emotional and physical aspects of your life. It certainly is better than feeling the fall of the hammer, no matter what size.
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Cristina is attuned to hearing and responding to the light tap of the hammer whenever possible. She is a medical intuitive and Sustainable Wellness™ coach. Her website is and you may feel free to contact her at
© Cristina Smith 2012. All rights reserved.
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