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Memorial Day Weekend Tribute

Memorial Day Weekend Tribute

Memorial Day Tribute – The Path of the Warrior

Whether or not you support the policies that put the men and women of the Armed Forces in harm’s way, please spend a moment in prayer this weekend for the healing of the families who have lost loved ones, comfort for the families who have a family member serving abroad and for the safety of those at risk.

This Memorial Day Tribute was shared by Christopher Buck, President of Humanity Healing International, in loving memory of his father, Champlin Fletcher Buck III.

Memorial Day means different things to different people. For many, it is the start of the summer season, an annual trip to the beach, a 3-day weekend, or a great excuse for a barbeque. In my family, it meant more.

I grew up in a military family. My father and grandfathers served. Every couple of years we would move to a new base and start the process of finding new friends and sometimes finding old ones from earlier postings.

I was 8 years old when my father went to serve in Vietnam. I was too young to understand the politics at the time, but I remember being angry at people I saw on television saying that soldiers in Vietnam were bad people. MY Dad wasn’t. I remember the fear that sprang up when I saw the green military sedan driving past and we would stop playing and watch to see if it was going to someone’s house that we knew.  The green sedan stopping meant somebody’s father was dead or hurt. I remember not knowing what to say to a friend that had lost his father and feeling guilty because I was so happy it wasn’t my Dad.

I have long wanted to do something to honor, not only my father and all those that have served their country in the military, but also the families that stay behind and wait. This video, The Path of the Warrior, is a small token of my respect and gratitude. I hope you will forward this letter, or at least the video link, to all those you know who either serve in the armed forces or wait behind.

What will I do this Memorial Day? I have not been to a parade since my children were little. In truth, I will probably be working on one of the Humanity Healing projects and it is a good excuse for a barbeque; but at some point during the day, I will send a prayer of protection to those currently serving and their families, I will say a Blessing to those who did not return and a pray of comfort to their families, and I know that the fears of my eight year-old self will well up from the part of my soul they are hidden and I will say a prayer of gratitude that my Dad was one of those who did return.

I hope you will join me with a prayer for the families and the fallen.

See Also

Much Metta,
Christopher Buck

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Editor’s Note: If you are having trouble seeing the video, you can watch it at:

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