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Got Angels?

Got Angels?

Have you ever had something happen to you that was traumatic or scary, and you came out of it unscathed? Are you that lucky person, or have you heard stories about people who seem to attract that luck factor? Do you wonder how or why blessed coincidences or synchronistic events happen for some and not for others?

Maybe these so called lucky people have angels on their side! In the past, I’ve talked about guides in my work, but haven’t really mentioned angels. Angels are in a different category than guides, as they’re “Messengers of God,” and thousands of people from different cultures have had experiences with these beings. According to ancient Jewish tradition, angels were the first intelligent beings, created by God to help sustain life and assist us in all areas of our lives. Have you ever said to yourself, “How did I get out of that situation safely? It must have been luck.” Well, luck may have come into it, but more than likely, you had a little angelic assistance.

Last month I had a great guest on my Hay House radio show, Angel Intuitive and Medium Sunny Dawn Johnston. She told my audience her story about being a teenage single mother on welfare, and in her desperation, she prayed to the angels for help and guidance. Her prayers were answered almost immediately! She went on to finding a job, housing, and enough support to help her and her child thrive and be happy. By the way, it was a great show and the phone lines were flooded with callers.

After the show was over, some memories of my own lucky breaks and “so-called” coincidences started to come up, and one in particular stands out. I was in a parking garage in Los Angeles, and I was driving up a steep ramp. Another car came flying over the top of that ramp in the opposite direction, coming right at me at lightning speed. All of a sudden, my car stalled right in its tracks. Had I continued to drive, I would have hit that speeding car head on, but because my car stopped so suddenly, the other car had room to avoid me.

Was it a random act of luck that my car stalled at that precise moment, or did I have a little divine help? I think I know the answer to that one. There are too many incidents in the past to write about where I “thought” I was lucky. Ask yourself: “When were there times where you said WOW! How did I ever get out of that?” You’ll be surprised at how many you come up with. Is it luck or a little angelic assistance? Whatever the answer, I make a point of always saying “Thank You!”

I also feel quite strongly that there are “Earth Angels.” Have you ever needed help and all of a sudden someone shows up unexpectedly offering to help? That person was at the right place at the right time, just when you needed assistance. Are these angels disguised as human beings, or have the angels in some way guided us to be where we are needed to help each other? Whatever the answer, I believe we are getting divine help, and that there are spiritual forces beyond this physical world that we cannot explain. This force is here to help us and guide us through this lifetime.

I’ve delivered thousands of messages from the spirit people, and they too can and have helped us. I can’t always explain why some people get help and others don’t, and maybe someday when it’s my turn to return home to the Spirit World, I will have those answers, In the meantime, I trust and honor my guides and angels, and hope that you too let them help you when you need a dose of heavenly help!

John’s Lesson

Over the many years of being a psychic medium and an author, I have been blessed to meet many people from all walks of life. Those friends and colleagues who work with the angels all say one thing in particular: “The angels are waiting for you to ask for their assistance. They do not interfere without you asking or praying for that divine help.”

When you call on them for help, be open and receptive. They may show up in many ways, and it may not be what you are expecting. It could be a sudden phone call, a neighbor with good advice, or your boss giving you an unexpected day off. The list is endless on how your request will be answered, so release your expectations about just how they will assist you in your time of need.

See Also

No matter what faith you follow, know that you are worthy of their love. Angels have no limits to the unconditional love that they have for humanity.

Ask for their help though thought, voice, and prayers, and when it does happen, don’t forget to acknowledge them and say “Thank You.”

Live a Soul-Filled life!

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