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Gerard Aartsen – The Spirituality Behind the UFOs

Gerard Aartsen – The Spirituality Behind the UFOs

Gerard Aartsen OMTimes

You don’t even need to believe the claim that he is in contact with a Master of Wisdom because if you go back through the stories of the early “contactees”, none of them ever mentioned having been abducted. More interestingly, more recent testimony of people of high standing (dignitaries and officials), when they speak about their experiences with people from outer space, none of them talks about any of these nasty things.

For instance there have been other early contactees who never mentioned abductions. Pope John XXIII, also known as the “Good Pope”, in the early 1960s had an experience in the garden of his summer castle—the Castel Gandolfo. There was a scout ship or saucer that landed at the south end of the garden. The Pope asked his assistant, who was there as well, to stay put as he went over. The assistant later related that he saw someone come out of the saucer. The Pope kneeled down and got up again and had a conversation for fifteen to twenty minutes. The Pope came back and told his assistant that our brothers are everywhere but sometimes we have difficulty recognizing them.

In 1997 there was the president [Kirsan Ilyumzhinov] of Kalmykia, a southern Russian state, who has been quite open about his experiences when he was invited into a cylindrical-shaped craft. It became headline news again just last year in the UK and he never talks about being “abducted”. So it really shows how effective the military and government’s cover up has been. And, of course, Hollywood has had its share in how extraterrestrials are depicted.

JF: Does the idea of people being “Space Brothers” enlarge upon the idea of a universal humanity that not only transcends national borders but also transcends our own world?

Gerard Aartsen: Exactly. We are everywhere. The human experience is a universal experience because it is an essential stage in the evolution of consciousness. There may be slight differences between different races and populations on different planets just like there are differences between races on Earth, but they are relatively minor. There are no three-legged beings with just a giant head and one eye walking around or any other crazy depiction. The human experience, form and kingdom are a universal occurrence.

JF: What are the governments, militaries and other institutions and people of power around the world, who are “in the know” about the UFO issue and seeking to keep it covered up, frightened of when it comes to disclosure?

Gerard Aartsen: The whole purpose of the cover up by the military and economic interests is to maintain their control over society. I mean, as soon as the general populace would know about alternative ways of living, of relating, ways that are not based on competition and greed for fear of ‘the other’, but rather on empathy, sharing and justice for all, I am sure that would spell the end for the existing powers. Until now people have been led to believe that the only way to survive in this world is to fend for yourself, your own community, your own country. But it doesn’t have to be that way, and the space people are living proof that there are other, more viable and more peaceful ways of living together as one human race.

JF: Some people think full disclosure will eventually be the governments of the world coming forward and admitting that we are indeed being visited by highly advanced civilizations from other planets. Other people have suggested that disclosure will be more gradual and organic; generations being brought up with information about UFOs on television and in print will eventually create an overall consensus that the phenomenon is real. What form do you think disclosure will take and do you anticipate it soon?

Gerard Aartsen: To be sure, I think disclosure is no longer in the hands of our governments. They have been given the opportunity, especially in the 1950s, to announce to the world their knowledge of and contacts with the people from space, but have chosen to keep it to themselves for reasons of self-interest. At the same time, the space visitors are showing themselves more and more openly, with ever more spectacular and concrete sightings that cannot be explained away anymore. At the same time the world has now arrived at the point where the Masters of Wisdom, and the World Teacher as their head, are ready to emerge into full public view at this crucial stage of our evolution. Once this has happened, very soon now, the space people will be introduced by these, our Elder Brothers, and they will be landing openly for everyone to see and acknowledge.

JF: You have mentioned the Masters of Wisdom. Who exactly are the Masters of Wisdom and the World Teacher?

Gerard Aartsen: The Masters of Wisdom are really the next kingdom in nature up from the human kingdom. We know through Darwin’s work of the evolution of the physical form, with the vegetable kingdom having evolved out of the mineral kingdom; the animal kingdom evolved out of the vegetable kingdom; and the human kingdom evolved out of the animal kingdom. Our science and very often people generally think that it is all a mere accident on the scale of the universe where a number of chemicals mix together in a fortunate way and life became self-conscious. The Ageless Wisdom Teachings hold the opposite idea. They say that what is actually going on, because life is everywhere, is the evolution of consciousness and the evolution of the form only exists to facilitate the evolution of consciousness.

Mankind is sort of the midway station or clearinghouse of that consciousness. After it’s involved itself all the way through the densest levels of matter, the evolution of form and the forces that lie beneath it, it works its way back up through the lower kingdoms into the human kingdom where literally matter and spirit meet, which is where self-consciousness comes from. And because we are only one stage in the whole evolution we are not the end station and the next station up from our level are the Masters of Wisdom. From our point of view they are perfected men and women like us but ahead of us in evolution.

You go through the evolution of consciousness that is available on this planet that takes you to that level of perfection after five major expansions of consciousness, which are really the final phases of the life of the human being on this planet. Those five phases were illustrated for us in the life of Jesus. Some books by Alice Bailey give a very vivid picture of that, but briefly: the birth of Jesus in the cave (the cave of the heart) is a symbol for the first initiation where you gain control over the lower physical nature; the Baptism in the river Jordan is the second initiation that indicates control over our emotional nature; the transfiguration on the mount if the third initiation that gives control over the mental nature; the fourth initiation (the crucifixion) signifies the final sacrifice of our complete lower nature for the soul and higher Life; and the fifth step is symbolized in Jesus’ life by the resurrection, which signifies the raising back to our spiritual nature—the Spark of God out of the material world in which we have grown over many incarnations and cycles.

See Also

That is how you become, after the fifth initiation, a Master of Wisdom. That has been going on ever since mankind came into being on this planet. Once a person becomes a Master, some choose to stay on Earth to help the rest of us. And one comes back into the world from time-to-time. Others go onto higher ways of evolution.

The Master of all the Masters—Who has manifested historically through Krishna and Jesus—is the World Teacher. There is always a World Teacher who is the head of the Hierarchy of Masters of Wisdom. Sometimes in Their own evolution they move up to higher ways of evolution to other cosmic realms. The present World Teacher, our eldest brother, is the oldest of our humanity.

Every cosmic cycle, roughly every 2,150 years, the solar system (therefore, our planet) comes into an energetic alignment with the next sign or constellation of the Zodiac. Whenever a New Age starts the World Teacher manifests Himself, but not always in person—2,000 years ago He manifested through His disciple Jesus and 5,000 years ago He manifested through His disciple Krishna. This time He has come Himself according to the information coming from Benjamin Creme. That makes this a historically unique point in time, not only because He comes Himself but also, as I said earlier, humanity as a whole is making a huge step forward in consciousness, a reawakening to our cosmic nature and cosmic brotherhood.

JF: Does this have anything to do with the “Age of Aquarius”?

Gerard Aartsen: Yes. We have are moving into an ever-fuller alignment with the Constellation of Aquarius and out of the Constellation of Pisces. The mission of Jesus inaugurated the Age of Pisces. We are in a gradual movement into Aquarius that takes several hundred years until we get the strongest influence of that energy. We are now at a point where the waning energies of Pisces are as strong as the incoming energies of Aquarius. That is really the cause of the enormous political tensions in the world, which also work out on the economic level, and tensions in every field, including the religious.

Continue to Page 3 of the Interview with Gerard Aartsen

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  • I wish OM would change the format of the stories, so a person wouldn’t have to flip through all these pages to read one article. Can you please show more of the article on the page, to reduce the number of pages? 🙂

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