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A Week with Mary Morrissey

A Week with Mary Morrissey


Every thought is a prayer. Let’s make a decision to create a perfect day by broadcasting gratitude and appreciation, and show how good and precious it is to live this life today.

Friday – A Perfect Moment

What would a perfect moment in your life look like?

The highest degree to which we can aspire is the knowledge and the development of love and relationships in our lives.

What would perfect moments with other people look like?

This is all perfection, and it’s really about just removing our blocks to the awareness of the perfection that exists in our lives.

Today let’s lift the veil, see the perfection, experience the perfect moment and create deeper love in our lives.

Saturday – Choose Encouragement

In every life there is some disappointment, but discouragement is a choice.

In every life there is some disappointment. To become discouraged means it’s the way we think about disappointment that keeps us discouraged or encouraged.

There may be some disappointment in your life today or in that of someone you know –but you can help remind them, and yourself, of this:

‘I can become encouraged even in the face of disappointment because I have a faith that is bigger than any problem.’

Sunday – Thought & Purpose

James Allen, the author of As a Man Thinketh, wrote this: “Until thought is linked with purpose, there is no intelligent accomplishment.”

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This means that all kinds of random thoughts will move through my mind, but if I don’t have a purpose for them, I cannot organize those thoughts in service of a worthy ideal.

Whether your purpose is to care for someone, to create a beautiful garden, to bring more kindness to the planet, to create a new business or teach kids how to read…Without a purpose, there is no intelligent activity or accomplishment.

Keep your purpose in mind. It is the compass upon which the intelligence of the universe can move to and through you to accomplish a worthy ideal.

Mary Morrissey is a keynote presenter at the 2012 Spiritual Awakening Conference in San Diego from November 9th-12th. To register and for more information, go to For more information on Mary, go to




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