It is Happening Now! The Ancestors Led Us

The lessons passed on by our ancestors are the roadmap to our future.
Honoring the Lessons of Native American Ancestors
By Nancy Oakes
Many cultures and ancient writings tell of the time of a great shift. The Shift is literally happening now; we are privileged to be witnessing it. Not just witnessing, but you are a part of the new energy. The shift is a spiritual return to Mother Earth, a conscious evolution, a new way of reasoning. Many don’t recognize the evolutionary process but see it as a time of fear where the Mayan calendar is ending and believe we are doomed. The indigenous elders see it as a spiritual time of awakening, a new age of enlightenment that is unlike anything that has happened on this planet before. It is true; Mother Earth has never been in this type of danger before. We have the technology to destroy ourselves.
Herein is the message. We have the opportunity to evolve into the new species of love, become one people working to heal the planet, and the Universe will support us. This is a wonderful time to be alive. Your assignment is to be present and aware.
Many wise ones are providing the roadmaps of books, lectures, and seminars. Millions of people are preparing to be messengers. Remember what the word Angel means—a messenger. It is a time of tremendous love on the planet. Messages of healing for our hearts and Mother Earth are everywhere. The Cherokee say we are ending the “Fifth World.” The “shift” is into the Age of Aquarius, the beginning of the “Sixth World.” But as I explain, the Hopi and Mayan elders say we are entering the “Fifth World.” The Medicine Wheel is another roadmap.
I was told that in my lifetime we will see the lies from the organizers (my grandmother called them the “Evil Ones”) revealed. I refer to these “Evil Ones” as “Church Fathers” in this book. The Ancient Ones and the indigenous people have and are willing now to share with “all the people” the insight given to them about the shift of the sacred Mother Earth. It is nothing to be afraid of my grandmother says, “It’s Mother Earth in all her glory guided by the Great Spirit.”
The Shift means we are human beings at this time changing into a new consciousness. We are remembering with clear minds what we promised and the possibilities that await us.
Turtle Island is the name given to North America by the Star People when they came here thousands of years ago. The Cherokee are but one of the Star People who came from the constellation, The Pleiades, behind Father Sun. We are the “Fire Keepers of the Sacred Light.” The Hopi are the “Keepers of Wisdom.” The Hopi, Mayans, Inca, and Aztec, to name a few, have the Knowledge of Records, (calendars, sky maps, and mathematical calculations.) The Cherokee people were given the task of caring for the Sacred Mother Earth but most importantly the Smoky Mountain Range. When the settlers and invaders made the people leave the sacred mountains, my relatives hid in the mountains and refused to go. We are some of those who were led by Tasali who is honored even today. The Star People were also given the information about how to plant, and grow corn and squash, and manage seeds. We were and always have been connected to the source, the Great Spirit, and Mother Earth. We owe allegiance to no man. Some will say by what authority do you present this information? My grandmother told me so, and her mother before her, and hers before her.
I lived within two worlds. One was the life we had in my father’s house, which at many times was unbearable even for my mother, and one at Grandmother’s where birds were messengers, the wind told a story, all creatures were sacred, and above all children are blessed, it’s all a lesson, and I should know the reason for my life. The circle of love was beautiful, and I knew I was safe with her. She would remind me often, “Write down what you hear and feel from your heart; you will need to tell the story someday.” “Grandmother,” I said, “the stories you have told us, do you think anyone cares, I mean about how far away from the promises we have come?” She said, “It will be time, and you will know, and yes, it’s important that the people have forgotten Mother and the promise to be caretaker of all that was created. The time will come.”
So here we are, and the time has come. Peace comes into our hearts when we are aligned with the Source of Creation and accept our assignment. It took me many years to embrace this simple message. Mistakes in relationships, marriages, and unhappy years of searching for the truth ended when I started to remember. I was awakened one day and a light came on in my heart and mind, a remembrance. I realized the message that was given is just as true today as it was sixty years ago or centuries ago. What was I thinking? That could have been most of the problem, I certainly wasn’t thinking from my heart. So I had to get quiet, stop the constant chattering in my head of “You’re not good enough- you missed your moment-you have to go to work until you drop.” I began to ask myself, “What do you want from life. Who are you?”
I am listening to her and beginning to repeat her stories. This is the message from Grandmother, “The plants, the animals, the water, the seeds were given to us, for us, by the Great Creator. The breath of life and our children are our greatest gifts.” We are beginning to remember why we came and for what purpose. It is to serve the Creator and honor all that was provided for us from the beginning. As the Hopi have said, “We are the ones that have come to save the planet.”
This is the time the Ancestors have all been waiting for: when we begin to honor Mother Earth and all the blessed children born after the Star People came. Many angels, guides, and protectors are here and more are arriving to help us. Do not fear, as this is our purpose in life as we were promised. You are guided by the Knowledge; it can be no other way. This is my Grandmothers story:
The Great Mother came with the Angels, from the star system known as the Pleiades, also called the Seven Sisters, and birthed a new planet. All would be provided and the only thing that was asked of the Star People was to remember from whence they came and honor the Gift of Life.
This is the Story as told by my ancestors: We are born of the Stars and will return to the Stars. From a small child, I was taught to respect even the smallest creature, and all is sacred.
The Creator said, “I have created the Moon to guide you by night and the secret is this; it is your record keeper. Each phase of the moon will be forever, it will never change. You will mark time by these phases. The Sun will rise each morning in the East for your glory and warmth, and set in the West each evening in a beautiful array of colors for your enjoyment. The Directions of the Winds are North, South, East, and West. To speak the names of the Sacred Directions is the same as calling my name. Remember to praise me each day for all this I have made for you.”
The Trees became home for the many birds that the Creator and the Angels made. Each day the Star People took time to behold the beauty of the Tree. The Tree became the symbol of life, a remembrance of the beginning. I am the Tree of Life; my roots go deep within Mother Earth to help you to remember. The Tree was sacred to the Star People and they promised to be the guardian of the trees. All the winged creatures looked upon the Star People with love and they said, “We will sing a thankful song each day to you and the Great Creator for we were remembered in the plan, and without the Creator we would not be.”
The winged creatures were created to serve as messengers. The Creator said, “The winged ones will warn you of danger and storms. Look to the owl and the other winged ones for they have agreed to deliver these messages. We love you and do not want you to suffer in any way. These winged creatures are your family like a grandmother to watch over you.”

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